Page 465 - The Encyclopedia of Taoism v1_A-L
P. 465


         is eclectic, containing works on neidan, *waidan, and sexual techniques. Eight
         of them are Fu's own writings, three consist of his own notes and comments,
         and the other six are republished from other sources. Fu's own Yiguan zhenji
         yijian lu  -l1t~1IMAAj~ (Records for an Easy Understanding of the True
         Mechanism of the Pervading Unity) contains his works on neidan,  but also
         an entire collection of texts on *nudan (inner alchemy for women) entitled
         Nujindanfayao 3z"~:Pt1tJ! (Essentials of the Methods of the Golden Elixir
         for Women; Wile 1992,  202-4) with such works as  the Kunyuan jing tlj3 il:~~
         (Scripture of the Original Female) as well as writings attributed to *Sun Bu' er
         and a Miaohua zhenren ~)1tJ'tA (Perfected of Wondrous Transformation;
         fl.  1743). Several works ascribed to *Zhang Sanfeng are collected in the Sanfeng
         danjue =:$:Pt 'iiJc  (Zhang Sanfeng's Alchemical Instructions), notably the Jindan
         jieyao ~:Ptfili~ (Synopsis of the Golden Elixir; trans. Wile 1992, r69-78), the
         Caizhen jiyao f* ~ 11 ~ (Essentials of the Process for Gathering the True; trans.
         Wile 1992, 178-88), and the Wugen shu ~ t& t~j (The Rootless Tree; trans. Wile
         1992,188--92), all dealing with sexual practices. Of note also is the Qiaoyang zi
         yulu tJ!i ~1iJf ;W3"  j~ (Recorded Sayings of Master Qiaoyang), which contains an
         abridged version of the sayings of the Yuan-dynasty Jingming master *Liu Yu.
         The Qiaoyangjing t~ ~f ~ (Scriptures of Master Qiaoyang) includes related
         Ming and Qing texts obtained by spirit writing (see *fuji).
           FuJinquan was not only a great scholar, but also a talented painter and poet.
         The preface to his Beixi lu  t,f1~~ (Records of the Goblet Pool), contributed
         by A Yinglin jlay if!. ", shows that many of his texts were inscribed on his paint-
         ings. A Yinglin also took zither lessons from Fu, revealing yet another side of
         Fu's eclecticism.
                                                 Farzeen BALDRIAN-HUSSEIN

         ID  Qing Xitai 1988-95, 4: 195-2U; Qing Xitai 1994, 1: 399-400, 2: 187-89; Zeng
         Zhaonan 1996

         * neidan; nudan

                                       Fu Yi

         Fu Yi is known primarily as an expert on the text of the Daode jing and as an
         influential critic of Buddhism during the early Tang dynasty. His textuallabors
         are to be found in the '1\ncient Version," Daode jing guben pian m if; ~~ rfi" ;$: ~
         (Compilation of the Ancient Version of the Daode jing; CT 665), a type of title
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