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Ayyappa Puja,Poshbada distributions, various Katha and followed by Prasad distribution to bridge
a rapport with local organizations apart from our usual Annadanam pogrammes and providing
assistance to needy and poor.
• Our efforts are going on for our dream project Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple herein Jaipur. Some
of our enthusiastic members have started daily Vishnu Sahasranama Parayanam and Samuhika
Vishnu Sahasranama Parayanam on every Sunday starting from 18 December 2018 (Mukkoti
Ekadashi day) for the Divine blessings of Lord Venkateswara Swamy. Some of our members also
visited Jagat Guru Shankaracharya of Sringeri H.H Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Swamy Garu on their own
expenses for His blessing. On completion of 100 days of parayanam, a grand Vishnu Sahasra Nama
Homam was organized under the auspices of Sri K. Samba Siva Murthy garu again at DBS Premises.
• Last but not the least, we wish to sincerely thank and express our gratitude to Sri Ashok Iyer and Sri
Som Sekhar garu of DAKSHINA BHARATA SAMITI (DBS) for their great support and co-operation
all through this year. We have some ambitious plans for the future for which discussions are going on
and we look forward to some great news for all of us in the very near future.
AAJ also proudly places on record its sincere congratulations and gratitude to Sri K. Sudhakar Garu for
taking initiative of regularly conducting Annadanam, Distribution of Cold Cloths, blankets, tea and Biscuits to
the poor people during winter days from Christmas to Sankranti) and also Free Medical services, Hair cutting
and vocational education etc. in the slum and providing assistance to the poor and needy people.
I request all members to rededicate and make all out efforts for the growth of the Association which is for
all Telugu people irrespective of their cast, religion and state.
With best regards,