Page 93 - مجلة جمارك عمان العدد 5
P. 93

prior indicators and information, in addition       of the cross-border trade index, as the Sultanate
to providing customs outlets with advanced          of Oman ranked first in the Gulf in the cross-
inspection devices.                                 border trade index in the Practicing Business
Local and international customs indicators          Report (2020), issued by the World Bank. In Sohar
                                                    Port, the introduction of inspections based on
The Directorate General of Customs has              the electronic risk management system, and the
achieved, through the electronic Bayan system,      development of the customs audit system.
very high indicators in facilitating customs work.  Customs facilities and initiatives provided to the
Among the most prominent of these indicators        commercial community
is the achievement of 3 seconds as the fastest      The Royal Oman Police, represented by the
permit issued through Bayan system, one minute      Directorate General of Customs, has launched
and eight seconds as the fastest shipment cleared   initiatives for the commercial community a number
through ports, and one minute and nine seconds      of customs initiatives and facilities, the most
as the fastest shipment cleared through airports.   prominent of which is the approved economic
In addition to, %90 of the release rate of goods    operator program, through which institutions are
within the first hour of the arrival of the goods.  granted many advantages in customs operations,
The great role played by the Royal Oman Police      most notably giving priority to customs inspection
represented by the Directorate General of           and the initiative to activate the land and road
Customs contributed to facilitating trade and       transport system, which is considered as a laissez-
strengthening the logistic sector with the aim of   passer for goods in transit.
placing the Sultanate of Oman at the forefront

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