P. 4
Ömer Hal sdem r, who came from a fam ly of seven
ch ldren n Çukurkuyu town of Bor d str ct of
N ğde n 1974, spent h s ch ldhood n Çukurkuyu
town of N ğde.
Şeh t Ömer Hal sdem r, who worked as a shepherd
n Çukurkuyu after school, had two ch ldren
named El fnur and Doğan Ertuğrul from h s
marr age to Hat ce Hal sdem r.
One of the mportant f gures n prevent ng the July
15 coup attempt, Hero Martyr Ömer Hal sdem r,
jo ned the Turk sh Armed Forces n 1999 as an
nfantry non-comm ss oned off cer and served n
the Turk sh Armed Forces at home and abroad.
On July 15, 2010. Martyred Non-Comm ss oned
Off cer Sen or Staff Sergeant Onter Hal sdem r,
who sacr f ced h s l fe w thout hes tat on to
prevent a treacherous attempt aga nst the surv val
of the Republ c of Turkey and the Turk sh Nat on.
k lled coup lead general Sem lk Terz , who was
try ng to enter the Spec al Forces Command, by
shoot ng h m n the forehead on the "Shoot" order
he rece ved from L eutenant General Zeka
Aksakallı, Commander of the Spec al Forces of the
General Staff.
Ömer Hal sdem r, changed the course of the July 15
coup attempt by show ng a great example of
hero sm and became the representat ve of
By f r ng the f rst bullet nto the coup attempt that
took place on July 15, he took a hero c stance at the
cost of h s l fe and s gned a very cr t cal
ntervent on at a very cr t cal po nt.
3 Prepared by:Mahmut Caner ÇAKIR