P. 7

The quest on of whether we are alone  n

      the un verse has fasc nated humans for

      centur es. Some people bel eve that

      Earth  s the only place w th l fe, wh le

      others th nk there m ght be other

      be ngs out there.

      Sc ent sts explore space to f nd s gns of

      l fe on other planets. They use powerful

      telescopes and send spacecraft to

      d stant places. But, so far, they haven't

      found any def n te proof of

      extraterrestr al l fe.

      Many mov es and stor es  mag ne al ens

      v s t ng Earth, but  n real ty, we are st ll

      search ng. Some people f nd the  dea of

      be ng alone  n the vast un verse a b t

      lonely, wh le others th nk  t makes our

      ex stence on Earth even more spec al.

      In conclus on, the quest on of whether

      we are alone  n the un verse rema ns

      unanswered. Sc ent sts cont nue the r

      explorat on, and unt l we f nd ev dence,

      the mystery of l fe beyond Earth

      capt vates our  mag nat on.

   6                                              PREPARED BY: Taha Yas n AKGÜMÜŞ, İsma l Kerem YILMAZ
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