P. 117

*Situation 2: At Super Specialty Facility in Metro location where higher-

                end technology is available

                a)  Clinical Diagnosis:
                The surgeon at the tertiary care center should elicit the history of the disease afresh to plug
                the  missing  links  if  any,  especially  in  endogenous  endophthalmitis.  Postoperative  and
                traumatic  endophthalmitis  history  is  generally  straight  forward.    A  detailed  treatment

                history  and  the  culture  results  if  any  should  be  noted.  In  culture  negative  cases  fresh
                investigations should be initiated to rule out phacoanphylactic endophthalmitis or retained
                intraocular foreign body.
                b)  Investigations:

                Meticulous  ultrasonogram  of  the  eye  may  detect  retained  lens  matter.  Compuerised
                tomography  may  detect  occult  intraocular  foreign  bodies  in  traumatic  endophthalmitis.
                Special investigations like polymerase chain reaction of the vitreous or aqueous samples
                may be an useful additional diagnostic tool in culture negative cases. A repeat smear and
                culture  of  ocular  fluids  is  mandated.  The  commonly  used  stains  and  culture  media  are

                mentioned below.
                Presumed organisms              Stain                           Media
                Aerobic bacteria                Gram                            Blood agar
                                                Giemsa                          Chocolate agar
                                                                                Thioglycolate broth
                Anaerobic bacteria              Gram                            Anaerobic blood agar
                                                                                Thioglycolate broth
                Fungi                           10%KOH                          Blood agar
                                                Gram                            Saboraud dextrose agar

                                                Calcofluor white                Brain heart infusion


                The  culture  sensitivity  results  help  in  choosing  appropriate  antibiotics  for  treatment.
                1.Vancomycin  and  ceftazidime  with  or  without  dexamethasone  stand  as  the  preferred
                combinations of intravitreal drugs if no organisms are isolated.

                2.A combination of vancomycin with amikacin is advocated as the empirical treatment in
                traumatic endophthalmitis.

                3.In  Soil  contaminated  foreign  body  injuries  where  bacillus  caerus  is  suspected,
                combination of gentamicin with clindamicin in an option.

                4. Pars plana vitrectomy remains the treatment of choice in severe endophthalmitis and in
                cases where the disease progression is noted in spite of the initial antibiotic treatment.

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