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ones. A recent addition in this field is the area of customized correction, by lasers using
                wave front technology. Even though the customized correction procedures are becoming

                popular  by  the  day,  controversies  still  surround  many  of  its  presumed  theoretical
                advantages.  Since  conventional  LASIK  surgery  by  itself  is  a  highly  accurate  procedure,  it
                becomes  all  the  more  difficult  to  establish  the  superiority  of  the  customized  correction
                over the conventional one.

                By varying the ablation pattern, the excimer laser can alter the anterior corneal curvature
                to modify a particular refractive error described by sphere and cylinder. The laser delivery
                methods currently being utilized to achieve the ablation pattern are broad beam, scanning
                slit,  or  flying  spot  systems.  Eye-tracking  technology  is  integrated  into  the  current
                commercially available excimer laser systems and permits the ablation to remain centered
                on the pupil in the presence of small ocular movements.

                Potential advantages of customized treatment
                Wave front based aberrometry has certain theoretical advantages, the notable one being
                the evaluation of whole eye optics. In certain instances, visual symptoms can be correlated
                with certain higher order aberrations. However the measurements of these aberrations are

                not  reproducible.  For  example,  it  has  been  shown  that  Postoperative  wavefront
                aberrations do not always correlate with contrast sensitivity measurements  The magnitude
                of higher order aberrations have been documented to increase with increasing papillary
                size. Hence there is a theoretical beneficial effect of correcting higher order aberrations in
                people with large pupils, who have to work mainly in dim light conditions.

                Potential disadvantages of customized treatment
                1.  All aberrations are not treated: The aberrometer generates a lot of data from a human
                    eye.  Not  all  of  these  are  treatable  using  customized  LASIK  procedure.  In  fact,
                    customized LASIK has been demonstrated to induce additional higher order aberrations
                    as well. This again brings us to the notion that the significance of these aberrations is
                    still not well understood at this point of time and further refinements are yet to be
                    done in this field.

                2.  All aberrations are not reproducible: The aberrations generated from a human eye are
                    not reproducible and this is one of the major draw backs. Daily fluctuations in wave
                    front  aberrations  have  been  noted  in  several  studies  and  are  attributed  to
                    accommodation, tone of the pupil and tear film distribution.
                3.  Wave front changes with age: The wave front measurements of the eye alter with age,
                    because  of  changes  that  occur  in  the  lens  and  cornea  with  age.  Hence  even  if  one
                    performs  customized  corneal  ablation,  it  will  be  interesting  to  watch  whether  these
                    changes would be permanent.

                4.  Pupillary size: Pupillary alterations happen almost on a continuing basis in our day to
                    day routine. The output of the wave front images changes with minute changes in the

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