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P. 67

Lens Aberrations 57

               Refraction by the human eye is also subject to chromatic aberration. As a
               result, the focusing power of the eye is different for different wavelengths
               of light in the real world of polychromatic objects. Consequently there is
               no place in the visual space where one can place an object and expect it to
               be well focused on the retina for more than one wavelengths of light at a
               time. Hence, blue wavelength focuses before the retina and red beyond the
               retina, i.e. the far point of an individuals focus varies with the wavelengths
               of light. In terms of foveal vision, the dominant chromatic aberration is
               axial or longitudinal chromatic aberration.
                  The causes of chromatic aberration are dispersion in the cornea, aqueous,
               crystalline lens and vitreous humor. Dispersion is simply a variation in the
               refractive index of the material with various wavelengths of light and causes
               white light to be dispersed into the various spectral colours, just as prism
               disperses light into a rainbow. Refractive surgery techniques can not correct
               chromatic aberration as this error is inherent to the properties of ocular
               structures and not to the shape of the ocular components.

               Influencing Factors
               Spectral sensitivity of the eyes helps reduce the effect of chromatic
               aberration by making the visual system more sensitive to the green
               wavelength focused onto the retina.

               Clinical Application
               In clinical practice ocular chromatic aberration is made use of in Duo chrome

               Spherical aberration is an axial and wide beam aberration. The light rays
               from the peripheral edge of the lens are refracted to a greater degree than
               the light rays passing through the center of the lens. Peripheral rays bend
               more than the paraxial rays. This creates a slight blurring of the image that
               is minimized by the size of the lens.

                                    Fig. 6.5: Spherical aberration
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