Page 277 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 277
student PROFILE
Jad El-Adaimi
About me: soon as I started broadening my perspective of cultures and com-
I went to school in Lebanon. Then municating with everyone, everything changed.
I came to Cupertino, California, We learn from everyone around us. I started being less secluded
where I attended De Ana College and more outgoing, and became closer to people from all over the
for two years and attained my A.S. degree in biological sciences. I U.S. and the world. This meant I learned a few words from each
then transferred to Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo and graduated in person’s language, ate their food, celebrated some of their holi-
June of 2010 with a B.S. in molecular and cellular biology. I started days, and respected their traditions. Broadening my communica-
my master’s program in September of 2010. tion allowed me to adjust to different cultures and people, and
helped me transfer successfully from De Anza to Cal Poly.
What I focus on:
What will help me in the workplace:
I grew up in Lebanon, where almost everyone was Lebanese. I was
open and friendly with everyone, but had never lived with people We build our personality and experiences through the people around
from other cultures. When I came to college in the U.S. that all us. When you start a new job you meet new people. Learn to adjust
changed. I met people from around the world. I worked and stud- to individuals and accept them for who they are, within your limits.
ied with people from different backgrounds. In the beginning I felt This way you can do your work at the highest standard and still
disconnected and tried finding friends from my area of the world. remain social and enjoy your workplace. Accepting people or at least
This did not help me adjust; instead, I felt homesick. However, as adjusting to them in some manner will help in any situation.
sion and passivity and promotes the most productive communication. Key 9.6 contrasts
these three communication styles.
What can aggressive and passive communicators do to move toward an assertive
style? Aggressive communicators might take time before speaking, use “I” statements,
listen to others, and avoid giving orders. Passive communicators might acknowledge
their anger, express opinions, exercise the right to make requests, and know that their
ideas and feelings are important.
KEY 9.6 Assertiveness fosters successful communication.
Blaming, name-calling, and verbal Expressing yourself and letting others do the same: “I have Feeling you have no right to express
insults: “You created this mess!” thoughts about this— first, what is your opinion?” anger: “No, I’m fine.”
Escalating arguments: “You’ll do it Using “I” statements to defuse arguments: “I am Avoiding arguments: “Whatever you
my way, no matter what it takes.” uncomfortable with that choice and want to discuss it.” want to do is fine.” Diversity and Communication
Being demanding: “Do this.” Asking and giving reasons: “Please consider doing it this Being noncommittal: “I’m not sure what
way, and here’s why. … “ the best way to handle this is. . . .”