Page 296 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 296
KEY 10.6 Levels of alcohol consumption.
Men Women
Lower-risk drinking pattern equaling “having no more than
Drinking 1 drink per day for women and no more than 2 drinks per day
for men.”
per day per day
10 Heavy For men, heavy drinking is typically defined as consuming + +
an average of three or more drinks per day. For women,
CHAPTER Drinking heavy drinking is typically defined as consuming an average per day per day
of two or more drinks per day.
“A pattern of alcohol consumption that brings the blood
alcohol concentration (BAC) level to 0.08% or more. This
Binge pattern of drinking usually corresponds to five or more drinks
on a single occasion for men or four or more drinks on a single in 2 hrs. in 2 hrs.
occasion for women, generally within about two hours.”
In recent years, the health dangers of secondhand smoke have been recognized. Liv-
Smoke in the air exhaled ing with smokers or being around them on a regular basis is linked to about 3,000 lung
cancer deaths and 46,000 heart disease deaths per year in nonsmokers. This awareness
by smokers or given off by
cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. has led many colleges (and local jurisdictions) to ban smoking in dorm rooms, class-
rooms, and other public spaces. More and more companies, aware of the problem, are
banning smoking in the workplace or even refusing to hire people who smoke. 25
If you smoke or vape regularly, you can work toward quitting by being motivated,
persevering, and seeking help. Practical suggestions for quitting include: 26
■ Try a nicotine patch or nicotine gum, and be sure to use them consistently.
■ Get support and encouragement from a health care provider, a “quit smoking”
program, a support group, and friends and family.
talk risk and reward . . .
Risk asking tough questions to be rewarded with new insights. Use the following ques-
tions to inspire discussion with classmates, either in person or online.
■ When a friend has a substance problem or abusive tendencies, trying to help can
be risky. How can you reach out without insulting the person? What reward do you
think is possible?
■ Consider how to approach health issues with your friends. What is worth the risk
to discuss, and what should be off limits? Keeping a reward in mind, come up with
effective ways to broach topics such as eating patterns, sleep patterns, and moods.
CONSIDER THE CASE: Imagine you are one of Kelly’s best friends and you hear what
happened to her. How would you help her cope and move ahead? Discuss a risk you
would advise her to take and what reward she might earn from it.