Page 298 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 298
KEY 10.7 Drugs have potent effects on the user. (Continued)
Ephedrine (also called Stimulant Energetic Anxiety, elevated blood pressure, Strong
chi powder, zest) heart palpitations, memory loss,
stroke, psychosis, insomnia
Gamma hydroxyl Depressant Uninhibited, relaxed, euphoric Anxiety, vertigo, increased heart rate, Strong
butyrate (GHB) (also called delirium, agitation
G, liquid ecstasy, goop)
10 Glue, aerosols (also called Inhalants Giddy, lightheaded, dizzy, Damage to brain, liver, lungs, and Insubstantial
CHAPTER whippets, poppers, rush) Hallucinogen excited kidneys, suffocation, heart failure Insubstantial
Paranoia, agitation, poisoning
Strong emotions, hallucinations,
distortions of sight and sound,
mushrooms (psilocybin
mushrooms or amanita
muscaria) (also called “out of body” experience
shrooms, magic mushrooms)
Heroin (also called smack, Opiates Warm, relaxed, without pain, Infection of organs, inflammation of Strong, with
dope, horse) and codeine without anxiety the heart, convulsions, abscesses, risk heavy use
of needle-transmitted diseases such
as hepatitis and HIV
Ketamine (also called K, Anesthetic Dreamy, floating, having an Neuroses, disruptions in Strong
Special K, vitamin K) “out of body” sensation, numb consciousness, reduced ability to move
Lysergic acid Hallucinogen Heightened sensual perception, Impaired brain function, paranoia, Insubstantial
diethylamide (LSD) (also hallucinations, distortions of sight agitation and confusion, flashbacks
called acid, blotter, trips) and sound, little sense of time
Marijuana and hashish Cannabinol Euphoric, mellow, little Impaired judgment and coordination, Moderate
(also called pot, weed, sensation of time, paranoid bronchitis and asthma, lung and
herb) throat cancers, anxiety, lack of energy
and motivation, hormone and fertility
Methamphetamine (also Stimulant Euphoric, confident, alert, Seizures, heart attack, strokes, vein Strong, especially
called meth, speed, crank) energetic damage (if injected), sleeplessness, if taken by
hallucinations, high blood pressure, smoking
paranoia, psychoses, depression,
anxiety, loss of appetite, severe
dental decay
Nicotine (also called Stimulant Causes a release of adrenaline, Lung cancer, emphysema, asthma, High
smokes, cigs) and speeding up breathing and stroke, heart attack, miscarriage, ear
depressant heartrate; also causes the infections and respiratory problems
release of dopamine into the (in children exposed to secondhand
brain, resulting in feelings of smoke)
pleasure and well-being.
Heroin and “crack” have the
same effects on the brain.
OxyContin (also called Analgesic Relaxed, detached, without pain Overdose death can result when Moderate, with
Oxy, OC, legal heroin) (containing or anxiety users ingest or inhale crushed long-term use
opiate) time-release pills, or take them in
conjunction with alcohol or narcotics
Source: Most information from “I Am a Parent.” Drug Policy Alliance, 2011. Accessed on October 28, 2011, from; nicotine
information from “NIDA InfoFacts: Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products.” National Institute on Drug Abuse, September, 2010. Accessed on October 25, 2011,