Page 297 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 297
■ Avoid situations that increase your desire to smoke or vape, such as drinking heavily
and being around others who smoke or use vape pens.
■ Find other ways to lower stress, such as exercise or other activities you enjoy.
■ Set a quit date and enlist friends and family as accountability partners.
The positive effects of quitting—increased life expectancy, lung capacity, and
energy, better skin, and less body odor, as well as significant financial savings—may
inspire any smoker to make a lifestyle change. If you’re interested in quitting, investi-
gate quitting resources at the Centers for Disease Control (on its website, click on “S”
to find “Smoking and Tobacco Use”).
In order to assess the level of your potential addiction, you may want to take the Wellness and Stress Management
self-test in the Get Analytical exercise on page 261, replacing the word “alcohol” or
“drugs” with “cigarettes” or “smoking.” Think about your results, weigh your options,
and make a responsible choice.
Illicit drug use is a perennial problem on college campuses. The NSDUH reports that
22% of college students surveyed had used illicit drugs in the year prior to the survey.
Some college students use drugs to relieve stress, others want to be accepted by peers,
and other just want to try something new.
In most cases, however, the negative consequences of drug use outweigh any tem-
porary high. Drug use violates federal, state, and local laws, and you may be arrested,
tried, and imprisoned for possessing even a small amount of drugs. You can jeopardize
your reputation, your student status, and your ability to get a job if you are caught
using drugs or if drug use impairs your performance. Finally, long-term drug use can
damage your body and mind. Key 10.7 has comprehensive information about the most
commonly used illicit drugs.
KEY 10.7 Drugs have potent effects on the user.
Alcohol Depressant Sedated, relaxed, loose Impaired brain function, impaired Strong with
reflexes and judgment, cirrhosis of regular, heavy
the liver, impaired blood production, use
greater risk of cancer, heart attack,
and stroke
Anabolic steroids (also Steroid Increased muscle strength and Stunted growth, mood swings, male- Insubstantial
called roids, juice, hype) physical performance, energetic pattern baldness, breast development
(in men) or body hair development (in
women), mood swings, liver damage,
insomnia, aggression, irritability
Cocaine (also called coke, Stimulant Alert, stimulated, excited, Nervousness, mood swings, sexual Strong
blow, snow) and crack energetic, confident problems, stroke or convulsions,
cocaine (also called crack psychoses, paranoia, coma at large
or rock) doses
Ecstasy (also called X, Stimulant Heightened sensual perception, Fatigue, anxiety, depression, heart Insubstantial
molly, XTC, vitamin E) relaxed, clear, fearless arrhythmia, hyperthermia from lack
of fluid intake during use