Page 303 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 303
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Complete the following on paper or in digital format.
Wellness has its costs—fitness club fees and healthy food often aren’t cheap, although they can save you medical costs down
the line. Track health-related expenses (both positive and negative) for one week and enter your daily and weekly totals in a
grid you create with headers as shown here. In the “Item” column, include a row for each of the following items: Food +
(healthful food), Food − (junk food), Alcohol, Tobacco, Fitness, Other. For monthly fees such as fitness memberships, divide by
four and enter your result in the TOTAL box for fitness.
Looking at your grid when the week is over, answer the following questions.
1. Approximately how much did you spend on items that increase wellness?
2. Approximately how much did you spend on items that decrease wellness?
3. Are you spending more to increase or decrease wellness?
4. If you want to change how you spend money related to your wellness, describe your desired change and be
specif c about how you plan to put it into action.
KEY 10.9 To stay safe, know these facts about sexually
transmitted infections.
Chlamydia Discharge, painful urination, Can cause pelvic inflammatory disease Curable with full course of antibiotics;
swollen or painful joints, change (PID) in women, which can lead to sterility avoid sex until treatment is complete.
in menstrual periods for women or ectopic pregnancies; infection;
miscarriage; or premature birth.
Gonorrhea Discharge, burning while urinating Can cause PID, swelling of testicles and Usually curable with antibiotics;
penis, arthritis, skin problems, infections, however, certain strains are becoming
sterility. resistant to medication.
Genital herpes Blister-like itchy sores in the Symptoms may subside and then reoccur, No cure; some antiviral medications
genital area, headache, fever, often in response to high stress levels; can reduce and help heal the sores,
chills carriers can transmit the virus even when as well as shorten outbreaks and
it is dormant. reduce the chance of transmission.
Syphilis A genital sore (often painless) If it lasts over four years, it can cause blind- Curable with full course of antibiotics.
lasting one to five weeks, followed ness, destruction of bone, dementia, or Important to receive treatment early;
by a rash, fatigue, fever, sore throat, heart failure; can cause death or deformity treatment will not reverse damage
headaches, swollen glands of a child born to an infected woman. done by earlier stages of the disease.
Human Genital itching and irritation, Can increase risk of cancers including No treatment for virus, but warts are
Papilloma Virus small clusters of warts cervical cancer in women; virus may treatable with drugs or wart removal
(HPV, or genital remain in body and cause recurrences surgery. Vaccine available (three doses
warts) even when warts are removed. necessary); most effective when given
before exposure to HPV.