Page 306 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 306
If you find yourself in a situation where you feel powerless or threatened, leave
immediately. If you feel afraid to leave by yourself, call a friend, or call a cab. And
if you see that someone is being inappropriate or offensive toward another, show
your disapproval and publicly interrupt the behavior as best you can. If necessary,
call for help.
If you are assaulted, tell someone you trust right away. Call the Rape and Incest
National Network (RAINN) hotline to find the phone number of a local rape crisis
center so you can talk to someone. If you want to report the assault to the police,
you can do that as well, preferably with a supportive person accompanying you.
Get ongoing counseling to help you deal with your feelings and eventually move
from being a victim to becoming a survivor. Rape-crisis centers specialize in this
type of counseling.
What happened to Kelly and Becca? With Becca’s guid- happen to them. Planning
ance, Kelly came to grips with the sexual assault. “Being ahead and promoting a safe
a great leader is a choice,” says Becca. “We were very community can help. What
average people who chose to respond to something in a are some specific steps you
way that was earnest.” Choosing the risk of leading can take to reduce the likelihood
through education and communication, they founded that you will be a victim of, or be involved in, sexual
Let’s Talk About “IT” to uncover the truths about sexual assault? Kelly and Becca’s case illustrates the importance
assault and show how friendship and empathy help the of communication in the prevention and recovery pro-
recovery process. They decode the toxic language sur- cesses. Who are some people in your life you could
rounding sex, and their work rewards students with risk talking to about sexual assault? Are there other
innovative ways to address alcohol, sex under the influ- resources in your school, family, or community to which
ence, and date rape drugs. you can turn?
Kelly and Becca continue to take risks that have
What risk may bring reward beyond your world? One
brought great reward to students all over the country.
Student’s slogan is “One sexual assault is too many. One
They created the Sexversations card game to foster con-
student can make a difference.” Go to the website http://
versations about intimacy, sexuality, and sexual assault. to learn how to take action. Then
In 2010, they founded One Student, an organization with
choose one or more risks that you think will bring
a mission to combat sexual violence. Recently a film-
rewards at your school. Consider ordering the free post-
maker created a documentary about their journey and
ers and post them in strategic locations, organizing a
work (more information at They
wristband campaign to symbolize a united front against
have shared their story and insight at more than 300
sexual violence, or using the video “Take the First Step”
college campuses, taking special satisfaction when some-
to get a dialogue going with classmates, administrators,
one confides in them. Best of friends now for two
teachers, and parents. “We don’t see the snow and the
decades, they have achieved personal fulfillment in rela-
lack of life. We see the first blades of grass and the first
tionships with loving husbands and supportive parents.
blossom of flowers,” Becca says. “Those are the students
What does this mean for you? Most people think that we hear from and their stories . . . we don’t see the lack
sexual assault, like being struck by lightning, will never of success, we see the opportunity.”