Page 305 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 305

student PROFILE

                                       Andrew Willard

                                       COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY,
                                       FORT COLLINS

                                       About me:                   day or organize them before the day begins—if I make time in
                                       I am a senior attending Colorado   my schedule to work out my productivity increases and I sleep
                                       State University. I always played   better at night. Learning how to prioritize work out time without
                                       sports  growing  up  and  I  have   taking away from my academic and professional responsibilities
               always been very active. Though I have a busy schedule through   is the most essential skill that I have learned during my college
               college and work, I still make an effort to get some form of exercise   career. When I plan ahead to allow for time outside of work and
               in every day—forcing myself to be active relieves stress and allows   school to work out and spend time by myself, I stay balanced and
               me to be more productive academically and at work.  healthy.

               What I focus on:                                    What will help me in the workplace:
               School and work can be stressful and time-consuming, and it is   Being organized and able to prioritize will be useful in the work-
               hard  to  find  time  to  stay  active.  Since  daily  exercise  is  a  high   place when managing various events and business projects. Mak-
               priority for me, I have found that shortening my workouts to   ing time for an active lifestyle in my off hours will help me stay
               intense daily increments of a half hour allows me to get sufficient   healthy and fit, which in turn will allow me to maintain a high
               exercise  while  still  having  time  to  prioritize  school  and  work   energy and performance level at work. I look forward to creating
               obligations. Exercise allows me to clear my thoughts after a long   a working lifestyle that is both productive and healthy.

               Take Steps to Avoid Sexual Assault
               One in four females is likely to be sexually assaulted in her lifetime, as is one in six
               males. Approximately every two minutes, someone in the United States is sexually
               assaulted, and two-thirds of the people assaulted know their attacker—an acquain-
               tance, a friend, or a family member.  Females between the ages of 18 and 24 are more
               likely to be stalked, harassed, or sexually assaulted than any other age group. In fact,
               most sexual assaults among that age range occur on college campuses or on dates. 29
                   Sexual assault includes a wide range of behaviors, often called the “sexual violence
               continuum,” ranging from obscene phone calls, to exhibitionism, to actual penetration
               or forced prostitution.  Unfortunately, many behaviors bordering on or involving sex-
               ual assault are actually advertised or condoned by society and the media. Kelly and
               Becca’s program, One Student, provides resources, facts, and programs for students on
               campuses around the nation, aiming to edu-
               cate  students and create a future where
               sexual assaults no longer occur.
                   Rape is not about sex, it’s about
               one person exerting power over another.
               Rape is not caused by the victim’s behavior
               or clothing, any more than auto theft is caused by
               the owner of the car. Rape is about one person having nonconsensual sex (without per-
               mission) with another. It can happen on a date, at home, or at a party. And it’s a crime.

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