Page 340 - Keys To Community College Success
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KEY 12.1 Multiple intelligences may open doors
to careers.
Bodily-kinesthetic ■ Carpenter or draftsman
■ Physical therapist
■ Mechanical engineer
■ Dancer or actor
■ Exercise physiologist
Intrapersonal ■ Research scientist
■ Computer engineer
■ Psychologist
■ Economist
■ Author
Interpersonal ■ Social worker
■ PR or HR rep
■ Sociologist
■ Teacher
■ Nurse
Naturalistic ■ Biochemical engineer
■ Natural scientist (geologist, ecologist, entymologist)
■ Paleontologist
■ Position with environmental group
■ Farmer or farm management
Musical ■ Singer or voice coach
■ Music teacher
■ Record executive
■ Musician or conductor
■ Radio DJ or sound engineer
Logical-mathematical ■ Doctor or dentist
■ Accountant
■ Attorney
■ Chemist
■ Investment banker
Verbal-linguistic ■ Author or journalist
■ TV/radio producer
■ Literature or language teacher
■ Business executive
■ Copywriter or editor
Visual-spatial ■ Graphic artist or illustrator
■ Photographer
■ Architect or interior designer
■ Art museum curator
■ Art teacher
■ Set or retail stylist
12 books on careers or biographies of people who worked in fields that interest you. Visit
websites such as O*NET Online, which provides information about education and skills
CHAPTER 302 required for particular occupations, on-the-job tasks, possible salaries, and more. Look at
Key 12.3 for the questions you might ask yourself as you conduct your research.