Page 341 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 341

KEY       12.2   Personality Spectrum dimension indicates strengths and

                                                                                        WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN
                 DIMENSION     JOB STRENGTHS               JOB CHALLENGES               JOBS/CAREERS
                    Thinker    ■  Problem solving          ■  A need for private time to think and   ■  Some level of solo work/think time
                               ■  Developing ideas           work                       ■  Problem solving
                               ■  Keen analysis of situations  ■  A need, at times, to move away   ■  Opportunity for innovation
                               ■  Fairness to others         from established rules     ■  Freedom to think creatively and
                               ■  Working efficiently through tasks  ■  A dislike of sameness—systems   to bend the rules
                               ■  Innovating plans and systems  that don’t change, repetitive tasks  ■  Technical work
                               ■  Ability to look strategically at   ■  Not always being open to   ■  Big picture strategic planning
                                 the future                  expressing thoughts and feelings
                                                             to others

                   Organizer   ■  High level of responsibility  ■  A need for tasks to be clearly,   ■  Clear, well-laid-out tasks and plans
                               ■   Enthusiastic support of social   concretely defined  ■  Stable environment with
                                 structures                ■  A need for structure and stability  consistent, repeated tasks
                               ■  Order and reliability    ■  A preference for less rapid change  ■  Organized supervisors
                               ■  Loyalty                  ■  A need for frequent feedback  ■  Clear structure of how employees
                               ■  Following through on tasks  ■  A need for tangible appreciation  nteract and report to one another
                               ■   Detailed planning skills with   ■   Low tolerance for people who   ■  Value of, and reward for, loyalty
                                 competent follow-through    don’t conform to rules and
                               ■  Neatness and efficiency    regulations
                     Giver     ■  Honesty and integrity    ■  Difficulty handling conflict  ■   Emphasis on teamwork and
                               ■  Commitment to putting energy   ■  Strong need for appreciation    relationship building
                                 toward close relationships with   and praise           ■  Indications of strong and open
                                 others                    ■  Low tolerance for perceived   lines of communication among
                               ■  Finding ways to bring out the best   dishonesty or deception  workers
                                 in self and others        ■  Avoidance of people perceived    ■  Encouragement of personal
                               ■  Peacemaker and mediator    as hostile, cold, or indifferent  expression in the workplace
                               ■  Ability to listen well, respect                         (arrangement of personal space,
                                 opinions, and prioritize the needs                       tolerance of personal celebrations,
                                 of co-workers                                            and so on)

                   Adventurer  ■  Skillfulness in many different   ■  Intolerance of being kept waiting  ■  A spontaneous atmosphere
                                 areas                     ■  Lack of detail focus      ■  Less structure, more freedom
                               ■  Willingness to try new things  ■  Impulsiveness       ■  Adventuresome tasks
                               ■  Ability to take action   ■  Dislike of sameness and authority  ■  Situations involving change
                               ■  Hands-on problem-solving skills  ■  Need for freedom, constant change,   ■  Encouragement of hands-on
                               ■  Initiative and energy      and constant action          problem solving
                               ■  Ability to negotiate     ■  Tendency not to consider   ■  Travel and physical activity
                               ■  Spontaneity and creativity  consequences of actions   ■  Support of creative ideas and

                   Keep the following in mind as your investigate careers:

               A wide array of job possibilities exists for most career fields.  For example, the
               medical world consists of more than doctors and nurses. Administrators run hospitals,
               researchers  test  drugs,  pharmacists  prepare  prescriptions,  security  experts  ensure
               patient and visitor safety, and so on.

               Within each job, there is a variety of tasks to perform.  For instance, you may
               know that an instructor teaches, but you may not think about the fact that instructors
               may also write, research, study, design courses, give presentations, counsel, and coach.
               Take your career exploration beyond first impressions to get an accurate picture of the                  Careers and More
               careers that interest you.

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