Page 358 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 358
■ See adversity as temporary. Consider losing a job, for example, as
a step along the way to a better one.
■ See the limited scope of your problems. One issue does not make
your entire life a disaster.
■ Avoid the personal. If you look for explanation in the details of a situ-
ation instead of seeing yourself as incompetent, you can keep your self-
esteem and creative energy alive.
With successful intelligence, a growth mindset, and learned opti-
mism, you will always have a new direction in which to grow. Your
willingness to take calculated, productive risks will allow you to put
these valuable tools to work and reward you with the achievement of
your most valued goals. Risk being true to yourself, a respectful friend
and family member, a focused student who believes in the power of
learning, a productive employee, and a contributing member of society
to earn the ultimate reward of a meaningful life—a life that can change
the world.
What happened to Stephen? Stephen chose the risk of But I persevered, because I
entering the job market. After graduation, he accepted a believed in myself and I had
job at Chubb as an insurance underwriter, where he those who believed in me
found the work to be fulfilling, challenging, and even fun. and really pushed me,”
Setting law school aside, Stephen later transitioned into Stephen says. Identify a
a marketing role. Twenty-two years later, he’s now vice challenge you have faced
president and branch manager of the Chubb Cleveland in your life. Then describe what risks
office, which generates more than $115 million in annual you took to emerge from that trying time, including
revenue. “Keep options open. You don’t know where who helped you move ahead and the rewards that have
those options are going to take you,” Stephen says. Work come from that challenge. As Stephen emphasizes, “Our
ethic and passion have brought him success in a career life experiences, regardless of how hard they are, are
path he never envisioned. “Don’t let the world define going to make us better.”
who you are,” he says. “You show the world what you What risk may bring reward beyond your world? Like
are capable of.” Stephen’s work helping Korean Americans think about
Stephen hosts career-building events for Korean career paths, you can get involved in programs that use
American high school students and serves on the board the knowledge you have built from personal experience.
of Achievement Centers for Children, an organization Think about the challenge you identified in the previous
that serves children with disabilities and their families. section. Then research, online or in person, opportuni-
In 2012, he received an Outstanding 50 Asian-Ameri- ties at your school or in your community for you to use
cans in Business Award. Stephen and his wife have a the rewards that challenge brought you. For example, if
teenage son. In his spare time, Stephen enjoys Formula you have been through a health crisis, find ways to help
One racing, golf, and reading, especially biographies others going through it. If you have had a particular
and history.
experience with your family, look to support others hav-
What does this mean for you? Stephen’s success is a ing similar experiences.
lesson in perseverance. “There were a lot of obstacles.