Page 359 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 359
Complete the following on paper or in digital format.
KNOW IT Think Critically
Become a Better Interviewee
Build basic skills. Make a list of questions that a job applicant would typically hear in an
entry-level interview. Recall questions from job interviews you’ve had, look up questions using
online sources such as Quintcareers, or consult books on job interviews. List 15 to 20 questions.
Take it to the next level. Imagine yourself as the interviewer. Thinking about learning prefer-
ences, life experiences, learning from failure, role models, and more as you ponder, write five
additional questions.
Move toward mastery. Pair up with a student in your class and interview each other. Person
A interviews Person B for 5 to 10 minutes and takes notes. Then switch roles: Person B inter-
views Person A and takes notes. Each person uses the set of questions developed in the first and
second parts of the exercise.
When you are done, share with each other what interesting ideas stand out from the inter-
views. If you have suggestions, offer constructive criticism to each other about interview skills.
Finally, to sum up, write a brief analysis and summary of your experience, including what
you learned and would keep in mind for a real interview—both the good and the bad.
WRITE IT Communicate
Emotional intelligence journal: Revisit your personal mission. If you drafted a per-
sonal mission and/or established career priorities earlier this term, look back at what you wrote.
Think about how you feel now at the end of the term. Consider what has changed about the out-
comes you originally wanted to make happen in your life and write an updated version of your
mission. Incorporate one or more of your career priorities into your mission statement.
Real-life writing: Create a résumé. On one electronic page or sheet of paper, list informa-
tion about your education (where and when you’ve studied, degrees or certificates you’ve earned)
and your skills (what you know how to do, such as use a computer program or operate a type of
equipment). On another, list job experience. For each job, record job title (if you had one), dates
of employment, and tasks performed. Include tasks that demonstrate skills. Be as detailed as possi-
ble. When you compile your résumé, you will make this material more concise. Keep this list and
update it periodically as you complete educational goals, gain work experience, and add skills.
Using the information you have gathered and Key 12.7 as your guide, draft a résumé. There
are many ways to construct a résumé; consult resources for different styles (your library or book-
store will have multiple resources, or look online at sources such as Resume-Help or Monster.
com). You may want to format your résumé according to a style that your career counselor or
instructor recommends. Also, certain career areas may favor a particular style of résumé (check
with your career counselor or an instructor in that area).
Keep this résumé draft in hard copy and on a computer hard drive or disk. When you need to
submit a résumé with a job application, update the draft and print it out on high-quality paper. Careers and More
For electronic submission, convert your résumé file to PDF format.