Page 210 - Keys to College Success
P. 210
KEY 7.4 Use a think link to connect ideas visually.
Birth alone determines
Definition: A system social destiny.
in which a society
ranks categories of Caste system
people in a hierarchy Examples: India and
South Africa
SOCIAL Note Taking, Memory, and Studying
Individual achievement
determines social destiny.
Davis-Moore thesis Class system
asserts that stratification Schooling and skills
benefits society.
increase social mobility.
The greater the importance
People hold different jobs of a position, the greater This implies a meritocracy—
a system of social stratification
of varying importance. the rewards given to based on personal merit.
the people doing it.
Example:A surgeon earns more than an auto mechanic.
Other Visual Strategies
Other strategies that help organize information are especially useful to visual learners,
although they may be too involved to complete during class. Use them when taking
text notes or combining class and text notes for review.
Charting notes. Determine the topic of the lecture, then create a chart or table, sepa-
rating your paper into distinct columns according to the information you expect to
gather. Then fill in your chart in class. Shown is a section of a set of charting notes for
a history class:
Time Period Important People Events Importance
1969–1974 Richard Nixon Watergate, Vietnam Ended Vietnam War, Opened relations
War with China, First president to resign
Pictures and diagrams. Copy diagrams from the board and create your own. Make
complex concepts into images or cartoons.