Page 291 - Keys to College Success
P. 291

KEY       10.3   Personality Spectrum dimension indicate strengths and challenges.

                                                                                  WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN
           DIMENSION     JOB STRENGTH                JOB CHALLENGES               JOBS/CAREERS

           Thinker       ■  Problem solving          ■  A need for private time to think    ■  Some level of solo work/think time
                         ■  Developing ideas           and work                   ■  Problem solving
                         ■  Keen analysis of situations  ■  A need, at times, to move away   ■  Opportunity for innovation
                         ■  Fairness to others         from established rules     ■  Freedom to think creatively and
                         ■  Working efficiently through tasks  ■  A dislike of sameness—systems   to bend the rules
                         ■  Innovating plans and systems  that don’t change, repetitive tasks  ■  Technical work
      10                 ■  Ability to look strategically at    ■  Not always being open to express-  ■  Big picture strategic planning
      CHAPTER   Organizer  ■  High level of responsibility  ■  A need for tasks to be clearly,   ■  Clear, well-laid-out tasks and plans
                           the future
                                                       ing thoughts and feelings to others
                                                       concretely defined
                                                                                  ■  Stable environment with
                         ■  Enthusiastic support of social
                                                                                    consistent, repeated tasks
                                                     ■  A preference for less rapid change
                         ■  Order and reliability    ■  A need for structure and stability  ■  Organized supervisors
                         ■  Loyalty                  ■  A need for frequent feedback  ■  Clear structure of how employees
                         ■  Following through on tasks  ■  A need for tangible appreciation  interact and report to one another
                         ■  Detailed planning skills with   ■  Low tolerance for people who don’t   ■  Value of, and reward for, loyalty
                           competent follow-through    conform to rules and regulations
                         ■  Neatness and efficiency
           Giver         ■  Honesty and integrity    ■  Difficulty handling conflict, either   ■  Emphasis on teamwork and
                         ■  Commitment to putting energy   personal or between others in the   relationship building
                           toward close relationships with   work environment     ■  Indications of strong and open
                           others                    ■  Strong need for appreciation    lines of communication among
                         ■  Finding ways to bring out the best   and praise         workers
                           in self and others        ■  Low tolerance for perceived    ■  Encouragement of personal
                         ■  Peacemaker and mediator    dishonesty or deception      expression in the workplace
                         ■  Ability to listen well, respect   ■  Avoidance of people perceived    (arrangement of personal space,
                           opinions, and prioritize the needs    as hostile, cold, or indifferent  tolerance of personal celebrations,
                           of co-workers                                            and so on)
           Adventurer    ■  Skillfulness in many different    ■  Intolerance of being kept waiting  ■  A spontaneous atmosphere
                           areas                     ■  Lack of detail focus      ■  Less structure, more freedom
                         ■  Willingness to try new things  ■  Impulsiveness       ■  Adventuresome tasks
                         ■  Ability to take action   ■  Dislike of sameness and authority  ■  Situations involving change
                         ■  Hands-on problem-solving skills  ■  Need for freedom, constant   ■  Encouragement of hands-on
                         ■  Initiative and energy      change, and constant action  problem solving
                         ■  Ability to negotiate     ■  Tendency not to consider   ■  Travel and physical activity
                         ■  Spontaneity and creativity  consequences of actions   ■  Support of creative ideas and

                                      Use your self-assessment results, along with the information in Keys 10.2 and
                                   10.3, as a starting point for thinking about majors and careers. Consider questions
                                   like these:
                                    ■  What courses did I enjoy the most in high school? What do these courses have
                                      in common?
                                    ■  What subjects am I drawn to in my personal reading?
                                    ■  What activities do I look forward to most?
                                    ■  In what skills or academic areas do I perform best? Am I a “natural” in any area?
                                    ■  What do people say I do well?

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