Page 363 - Keys to College Success
P. 363

9.  I adjust to the teaching styles of my instructors
                            and the communication styles of my peers.                             1 2 3 4 5
                          10.  When involved in a problem-solving process, I can shift
                            gears as needed.                                                      1 2 3 4 5

                                                 Total your answers here:    __________

                           After you finish, fill in your new scores in the blank Wheel of Successful Intelligence in Key 12.6.
                        If you completed a wheel at the beginning of the term, compare it to this wheel and look at the
                        changes. Complete the following on a sheet of paper or digital file:

                              Use this new wheel of successful intelligence to evaluate
             KEY       12.6   your progress.

         With your new scores in hand, create the most updated representation of your thinking skills. In each of the three areas of the wheel, draw a curved
         line approximately at the level of your number score and fill in the wedge below that line. Compare this wheel to your previous wheel and note any
         change and development.

                                                                              PRACTICAL SKILLS

                           ANALYTICAL                       40                     CREATIVE
                           SKILLS                           45                     SKILLS

      CHAPTER   Source: Based on “The Wheel of Life” model developed by the Coaches Training Institute. © Co-Active Space 2000.

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