Page 6 - NYAA Annual Report 2020
P. 6

                   To build leadership skills while serving the needs of the community.

                   The Gold Level participant can embark on the initiative individually or in small groups.


                   The Association's Constitution states that a Director should ensure he does not place himself in a
                   position whereby, directly or indirectly, his duties or interests might conflict with his duties or
                   interests as a Director. Disclosure of interests is required should a Director conflict with his duties
                   and interests. He should not participate or vote on the matter. The Association has put a Conflict
                   of Interest Policy for Staff and a Code of Ethics for Council Members.

                   In the year 2020, there are no reports nor cases involving conflicts of interest among council
                   members or staff. However, should there be any issues, members and staff must declare their
                   interest and abstain from decision-making related to the case.

                   Issues and processes relating to management and hiring of staff are open and transparent. The
                   NYAA advertised the job vacancies  in internet portals such as  Jobstreet,  JobsDB Linkined  and

                   Matters relating to remunerations, increments and bonuses are set and decided by the Finance
                   Committee  chaired by Dr Ken Ong and Council Members of the National  Youth Achievement
                   Award, chaired by Mr John Ting Kang Chung, Chairman of the NYAA National Council.

                   FUTURE PLANS

                   Leveraging on Technology for NYAA Mobile Apps & Activities
                   The NYAA has developed an online registration system and recording activities through mobile
                   apps for Award participants, moving away from the original traditional recording system on
                   printed materials. Award participants will be able to record their NYAA journey through mobile
                   apps.  As a result, we will  see a reduced workload, increased  accessibility and more effective
                   facilitation for teachers coordinating the NYAA Programme in schools and the NYAA Secretariat.
                   In addition, the mobile apps will allow the participant to take responsibility and monitor their
                   progress  on the spot.  Finally, the current COVID-19 pandemic  will allow participants to use
                   technology to participate in the NYAA programme at their own time and pace.

                   The NYAA also embarked on a leadership development programme to prepare young people for
                   the future's ever-changing and diverse job market. These programmes include leadership training
                   workshops, elevator  pitches, and presentation skills usually not covered through books and
                   syllabuses. Programmes aim to guide participants to grow and develop through exposure and
                   hands-on experience. These skills will help prepare our young people to be more confident and
                   sensitive in dealing with the community and their workplace.  However,  due to the  COVID-19
                   pandemic, all activities and training programmes have been on hold or conducted virtually.

                   Healthy Mind and Body
                   During the  COVID-19  pandemic,  young people  have  been  staying at  home,  doing home-based
                   learning. Many are stressed with the new arrangement and missed social interaction. The NYAA
                   Council  will  be  working  closely  with  government  agencies  and  partners  in mental wellness and
                   healthy living.

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