Page 7 - NYAA Annual Report 2020
P. 7

In addition, award participants will be encouraged to participate in physical movement within the
                   safety management restriction with proper diets to keep fit and healthy to serve the community
                   more effectively. A healthy mind and body are essential for everyone.

                   Integration Between the Young and the Elderly
                   The NYAA Council also aims to strengthen and promote active ageing, encouraging participants to
                   engage with the elderly by initiating community projects that promote awareness and improves
                   the relationship between the young and the elderly. With the number of elderly Singaporeans set
                   to double by 2030, there is a need to increase the support provided for the elderly. In addition, as
                   society moves into the digital age, we need to support the elderly in closing the digital divide.
                   Therefore, the NYAA Gold Award Holders' Alumni and participants are encouraged to work on an
                   active ageing programme to support the elderly, allowing them to feel connected with society and
                   remain socially active during their twilight  years. As  a result,  they  will feel comfortable in  e-
                   payments and other e platforms.

                   The NYAA plays an important bridging role between the  young and  the  elderly by initiating
                   community projects that promote awareness and improves the relationship between the young
                   and the elderly. These community bonding projects and activities have great potential in
                   cultivating more excellent care and compassion for the elderly, mostly when young people are
                   made aware of  the needs of the aged. This programme thus provides  our  youth  with  the
                   opportunity to understand older people better, and actively engage with the elderly and improve
                   their quality of life through their twilight years.

                   NYAA Junior Programme – The Butterfly Award
                   The NYAA Junior Programme, The Butterfly Award, has also been fine-tuned with input from the
                   Ministry of Education for primary three to primary six. The programme will provide young students
                   with  holistic development through  four  key domains:  Service Learning (Learning to Serve),
                   Outdoor Appreciation (One with Nature), Healthy Living (Health is Wealth) and Family Bonding
                   (Meaningful Interactions).

                   The NYAA launched a pilot project among ten schools and organisation. However, due to the
                   COVID-19 pandemic, many could not complete the programme. As a result, they were put on hold
                   as they cannot carry out the activities. As a result, as of December 2020, only West Spring Primary
                   School and Royal Rangers completed NYAA Junior Programme, The Butterfly Award.

                   REVIEW OF THE YEAR 2020

                   Staffing and Volunteers

                   The NYAA Secretariat s headed by an Executive Director, Mr James Soh and three other full-time
                   staff. In addition, the Secretariat is assisted by a large pool of volunteers, mainly the NYAA Gold
                   Award holders and Award Coordinators.

                   As of 31 December 2020, the breakdown of the staff strength and volunteers are as follows:

                   Total Number of Full Time Staff:                          4
                   Total Number of Award Operating Partners:                 217  (Appendix 5)
                   Total Number of Award Coordinators and volunteers:        2,300
                   Total Number of Gold Award Holders:                       4,122
                   Total Number of New Award Participants for 2020:          18,654  (Appendix 6)
                   Total Number of Awards Awarded for 2020:                  14,894  (Appendix 6)

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