Page 100 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 100

The typical workflow  and business  operations of  the  Environmental Aspects
            company can be summarised as follows:
                                                                 Wood is the primary resource to fabricate furniture at Gamar
            •  The design of the furniture pieces in the Singapore office.  Furniture. Through investigation, the ESI team found that
            •  The fabrication and manufacturing processes of the   significant amounts of solid off-cut wood, totalling up to
               furniture pieces are contracted to their overseas   twelve tonnes per month, (average over six months) are
               contractor in Indonesia.                          generated from the fabrication process.
            •  Wood is sought from local sources, and a small fraction
               is from community-sourced wood (or when specifically   These off-cuts are stored for secondary and future use.
               requested).                                       However, due to the nature of the business model, which
            •  The fabricated furniture pieces are then shipped and   often involves custom-made furniture, the off-cuts may not
               transported to the Singapore warehouse.           be quickly utilised and accumulate in warehouses, as shown
            •  Furniture pieces are inspected before delivery.   in Figures 7 and 8. Excess off-cuts and furniture-related
            •  Delivery services to customers are outsourced to third-  materials are gathered and sold as firewood to local villages
               party vendors.                                    to optimise space and offset raw material costs.

                                                                 Acknowledging that woodfires produce carbon dioxide,
                                                                 contributing to warming pollution in our atmosphere, is
                                                                 crucial. The gap in time between carbon absorption and new
                                                                 tree growth could span decades, depending on factors such
                                                                 as tree type and forest stewardship initiatives.

               Figures 7 and 8: Community-sourced wood, such as doors, are
               shown stacked against a wall; Off-cut wood is typically sorted
               into bags, shown against a backdrop of wood piles.
               (source: Gamar Furniture)

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