Page 105 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 105

Upon implementation of the solution, the projected amount of Annual CO2 emission is estimated to be cut by approximately
            50%, as shown in Table 6.

                         Table 6: Projected amount of annual CO2 emission reduction after implementation of the solution.
            Following the initial proposal stage to Gamar Furniture’s  to manufacture a new product line utilising off-cut wood
            management,  THE ESI team developed design and  characteristics. The efforts to reduce carbon emissions were
            production drawings for prototyping the proposed products.  seen as beneficial in minimising the company’s carbon
            These drawings were then forwarded to Gamar Furniture  footprint and enhancing revenue streams. The proposal to
            for prototype fabrication.  The prototype production  incorporate community-sourced wood into the  product
            commenced in January 2023 and concluded by the end of  offerings was well-received, although it was noted that
            June.  After completing  the prototypes,  each product  was  client appreciation of the aesthetic in such sources could
            thoroughly analysed to streamline the process and reduce  vary. Nevertheless, the company accepted the proposal and
            the carbon footprint, paving the way for mass production.  committed to including it in its product lineup.
            •   Home-Décor  Collection:  The market-ready designs
            proposed for the Home Décor Collection were well-received  Conclusion
            by management.  The concept of utilising  off-cut  wood
            was deemed promising. Additionally, incorporating fabrics  The key outcome of this project was to reduce the amount
            and wood joint lamp shades was suggested for further  of carbon emission produced from furniture making and to
            consideration.                                       upcycle the off-cuts into stylish new products.

            •   Office-Organiser Collection:  The Office Organiser  The 4R initiative was applied to reduce carbon emissions of
            Collection was identified as a suitable product line within  wood off-cuts to be otherwise sold as firewood by reusing
            the off-cut wood genre. The potential market for home office  and recycling the off-cuts into new products, adding value
            and work desk products was acknowledged, indicating a  to the company. This project helps to set the course toward
            favourable outlook for this collection.              more sustainable business practices.
            Both prototypes were found to be quickly producible
            without the need for secondary processes. Gamar
            Furniture appreciated the innovative solution proposed

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