Page 106 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 106
Student’s Reflection
I am grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with my ITE teammates on this project.
Throughout our work, I have realised the detrimental impact of small off-cuts from the
furniture industry on the environment. Often sold as firewood for fuel, these off-cuts
contribute significantly to carbon emissions. Upon analysing our team’s data, we were
astounded by the extent of carbon emissions generated. As someone deeply interested in
environmental conservation and already practising the principles of the 4Rs (Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle, and Recover), I felt compelled to understand the precise ecological implications of
these practices.
Using wood as firewood releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, exacerbating climate
change by trapping heat and contributing to global warming. Recognising this, our team
engaged in thorough brainstorming sessions to devise sustainable solutions for repurposing
the off-cut wood. In conceptualising our designs, we considered various factors, such as the
frequency and nature of cuts made and the overall convenience and usability of the resulting
Gwyneth Kim Jee Hean products. We understood that simpler designs could help minimise carbon emissions, thus
aligning with our environmental objectives.
Before the project, I only had a brief idea of environmental sustainability, such as tapping
on renewable resources, ways to conserve resources, and practices to preserve our current
resources, like using the 4Rs (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, Recreate). Businesses would overlook
environmental concerns to cover operational costs. To reduce the environmental impact
of the carbon footprint produced by burning the off-cut, my team worked on ideas and
products so that the off-cut could be upcycled into something helpful yet helping to cover
the operation cost for the company. Our challenges are how to create valuable products and
minimise carbon emissions. We first had to assess the suitability of the off-cut and product
type. The products need to be straightforward with fewer cuts to reduce the overall amount
of energy produced.
This project is a win-win for the environment and our partner company. It was an excellent
opportunity to learn valuable lessons in sustainability and protecting our environment. I
knew the importance of having a ‘green’ mindset, as it is up to us to step up in protecting
Yeap Wen Hui Bernice Mother Nature to preserve what we have for future generations. I am grateful to be part of
this project team. It was a wonderful experience to team up with such extraordinary people.