Page 11 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 11

Knots café is a restaurant run by XpressFlower.Com Pte  significant and if similar savings were achieved at other
            Ltd.  The ESI team from ITE College  West noted from the  similar salons, manufacturers, cafes and laundry businesses
            environmental review that the café generated meat offcuts  across Singapore, then savings in CO2 emissions and business
            while filleting meats, including salmon and beef, contributing  operational costs multiply dramatically.
            to carbon emissions if thrown away.  The team proposed
            that offcut meats be reused to prepare side dishes like soup
            as food for pets and donated to needy people. Knots café   Summary of Environmental Benefits
            produces about 240 kg of waste meat annually, equivalent
            to 19,623 kg of CO2 emission. The ITE project to repurpose   In summary, the second phase of the “Towards a Sustainable
            the meat avoids these emissions.                     Future” project endorsed the findings of the inaugural first
                                                                 phase of the project, i.e. the ‘Triple Win Formula’ works in all
            Another example is the laundry business - Laundry Loft,   cases. It is possible, whatever the nature of the SME business
            which offers various laundry services. After the environmental   is,  to  improve  its  operational  efficiency  by  cutting  inputs
            review,  the  ESI  team  from  ITE  College  East  identified  that   and outputs, enhancing process efficiency to cut carbon
            laundry dryers got overly hot during the clothes drying   emissions, and save the company money.
            cycle. The absence of insulation around the dryers led to
            a rise in ambient room temperature and forced the air-  Furthermore, through student training, the ESI teams were
            conditioning system to consume more power to maintain   able to work closely and diligently with SME management to
            an optimum temperature. The team proposed insulating the   gain insights into the operation of an SME business and how
            dryers’ exterior surfaces to prevent heat from escaping to the   it can increase its environmental performance and improve
            surroundings. This can reduce energy consumption by about   sustainability  through  measures  to  cut  carbon  emissions.
            1935 kW annually, saving 785 kg of CO2 emissions annually.   The solutions identified by the ESI teams are designed to be
                                                                 simple and widely applicable to other similar types of SMEs
            All  of  the  examples  highlighted  above  represent  not  only   across Singapore’s economy.
            savings in terms of carbon emissions but also cost savings
            to the SME in terms of reduced costs relating to power and
            water consumption and, in some cases, savings in terms
            of waste material disposal. Savings for each business are

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