Page 133 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 133

Figure 3: Substantial Air Gap (1cm width)
                between the sliding glass door.
                                                                 Figure 5: Clothes dryers without insulation at Laundry
                                                                 As illustrated in Figure 6,  the absence of insulation
                                                                 exacerbates heat dissipation, potentially resulting in
                                                                 inefficiencies in the water heating and air warming processes.
                                                                 Addressing this heat loss will likely improve the energy and
                                                                 operational efficiency within the launderette.

                   Figure 4: Physical gaps (1cm width)
                   above, in the dryers as above.
            In a worst-case scenario, where all eight dryers operate
            simultaneously, their heat emission poses a significant
            concern. This would  result  in a  rise in  temperature  across
            the launderette and compromise the temperature control
            within the facility. The dryers are shown in Figure 5.

            Extension of Study: Gas Burner

            The ESI team examined the rear section of the launderette,   Figure 6: Hot water piping without insulation.
            where several gas burners heat the incoming water for the
            washing machines and warm the air supplied to the dryers.
            Notably, a lack of insulation materials around the hot water
            piping leads to substantial heat loss to the surrounding

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