Page 137 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 137

Eco- Solutions

            The following  two solutions  are proposed  to improve
            environmental performance and efficiency at Laundry Loft

            Eco-Solution 1:
            Installation of temperature sensors at
            dryer outlets

            Currently, no temperature sensors are installed at the heater
            air outlets on the eight dryers present, making it difficult to   Figure 14:  Comparison of temperatures at the hot air
            monitor  the  operational  efficiency  of  the  dryers.  Without   outlet for two clothes dryers (A and B) Dryer A vs Dryer B
            temperature monitoring, there is a risk of excessive or   with the same clothing load.
            insufficient heat being supplied to the dryers. Excessive heat
            supply may lead to unnecessary energy consumption, where  Eco-Solution 2:
            an inadequate supply may necessitate prolonged drying,   Installation of heat insulation for dryers
            further impacting energy usage and operational efficiency.
            Therefore, installing temperature sensors at the dryer outlets   Heat insulation for the dryers is proposed to reduce heat
            would provide vital data for monitoring & optimising dryer   loss and improve energy efficiency. Currently, the absence of
            performance.                                         insulation allows for significant heat dissipation.  Insulating
                                                                 the dryers minimises heat loss to the surroundings, resulting
            Figure 14 shows the potential use of temperature sensors to   in improved thermal efficiency and reduced energy
            monitor dryer efficiency for two randomly selected clothes   consumption. Given that the dryers are in an air-conditioned
            dryers (A and B) to assess drying efficiency. It was evident   room, any substantial heat generated within the space
            that dryer A consistently maintained a higher operating   would increase the air conditioning system’s workload.
            temperature  than dryer  B throughout  the drying  cycle,   By  minimising  heat  dissipation,  the  temperature  of  the
            which indicates the importance of temperature monitoring   launderette can be better regulated, leading to a reduction
            for optimising dryer performance. By installing temperature   in energy consumption by the air conditioning units.
            sensors at the dryer outlets, the operational efficiency of
            each dryer can be monitored accurately, thus allowing for   Insulation materials were successfully installed at four
            better heat management and optimal drying conditions, to   dryers in March 2023. Careful consideration was given to
            minimise energy wastage                              the insulation material’s characteristics to ensure safety
                                                                 and compatibility with the dryer system’s recommended
                                                                 temperature settings.  The specifications of the insulation
                                                                 materials used and their application to the clothes dryers are
                                                                 shown in Figures 15 to 18.

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