Page 211 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 211

Eco-Solution1: Monitoring

            Underground Pipe Leakages

            To address the underground pipe leakage issue, we
            proposed  the  installation  of  vibration  sensors  along  the
            pipeline (Figure 3). These sensors are capable of detecting
            vibrations caused by the flow of water through the pipes to
            identify potential leaks in pipeline sections.
                                                                       Figure 3:  Determining the appropri-
            Before initiating the vibration monitoring, it was crucial to   ate location for the vibration sensor
            establish the baseline vibration level of a non-leaking pipe
            to serve as a reference point for comparison - measurements
            involved varying pipe water flow rates to calibrate the
            sensor (Figure 4) and then analysing the correlation
            between vibration rates and water flow to provide insight                   Figure 4:  Vibration sensor
            into the behaviour of the pipeline under different operating                calibration
            conditions. A record of vibration sensor reading and pie
            water flow rates are shown in Table 1

                               Table 1: Vibration sensor readings and pipe water flow rate

            A  vibration  measurement  data  analysis  in  the  X  and  Y
            directions (Figure 5) revealed a consistent trend. As the water
            flow  rate  increases,  the  vibration  values  slightly  increase
            in both the X and Y directions. This observation suggests                       Figure 5: Bluetooth
            a  direct  correlation  between  higher  water  flow  rates  and                vibration sensor
            increased vibration rates.                                                      utilised in a project
                                                                                            (with a labelled axis
                                                                                            for reference).

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