Page 212 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 212

In contrast to the X and Y directions, the analysis of average
            vibration  measurements  in  the  Z  direction  revealed  a
            different pattern. With increasing water flow rates, there was
            a slight decrease in  the average  vibration  measurements.
            This  suggests  an  inverse  relationship  between  flow  and
            vibration rates in the Z direction. Possible explanations for
            this phenomenon include streamlining fluid flow patterns
            at higher flow rates and reducing turbulence and vibrations
            in the Z direction. Additionally, the heightened stiffness
            of the pipe system due to increased flow rates may have
            contributed to more effectively damping vibrations.

            The diverse behaviour of vibration rates with varying water        Figure 6: Retrofittable Mist
            flow rates underscores the intricate dynamics of fluid-            Nozzle.
            structure interactions within pipe systems.  The observed
            trends across the X,  Y, and Z directions indicate that the
            relationship between flow and vibration rates is not uniform
            across all axes. Nonetheless, analysing the vibration values in
            all directions enables the identification of trends associated
            with increasing water flow rates, potentially indicating the
            presence of leaks.

            Eco-Solution2: Reduced Water Consumption

            Strategies to Reduce Water Usage

            The ESI team found that using a modified water faucet
            was a practical solution to reduce water consumption. The
            faucet offers users the choice between mist or spray modes,
            effectively reducing water usage compared to a standard
            stream of water. To implement this solution, the ESI team
            installed three modified faucets at the cafeteria sink. This    Figure 7: Tracking and recording the
            initiative conserves water, and raise employee awareness        water savings
            about the significance of water conservation using a
            Retrofittable Mist Nozzle (Figures 6 and 7).

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