Page 24 - NYAA ED Report 2022 FV + Chairman
P. 24

•   20th NYAA Gold Award Ceremony 2022
            The NYAA Gold Award Ceremony took place, with President Halimah Yacob as the guest of honour and Mr
            Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies, hosting the event.
            Over 180 recipients from various educational institutions and organisations received the NYAA Gold Award.

            DPM  Heng  Swee  Keat  with  President
            Halimah Yacob, presenting the Gold Award
            to Tommy Koh.

                                                   President Halimah Yacob and Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating
                                                   Minister for Economic Policies, Mr Heng Swee Keat with NYAA Gold
                                                   Award Recipients 2022 and officials.

            President  Halimah  Yacob  interacting  with
            Gold recipients.

            ITE College West Gold Award Ceremony 2022
            Over  400  NYAA  participants  completed  their  Gold
            Award  activities  in  2020/21  during  the  COVID-19

            Due to the SMM restrictions, NYAA could not organise
            large-scale  annual  ceremonies.  A  batch  of  28  Gold
            Award recipients received their Gold award from Mr
            James Soh, Executive Director, NYAA Council, on 18
            March 2022 at the ITE College West.                     NYAA Gold Ceremony at ITE College West.

                                     NYAA 30TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION

                                                              As  the  NYAA  commemorates  its  30th  Anniversary
                                                              (1992  to  2022),  we  acknowledge  that  our
                                                              achievements were made possible by various entities’
                                                              collective support and collaboration.

                                                              Over  the  past  three  decades,  the  success  of  the
                                                              NYAA  can  be  attributed  primarily  to  the  invaluable
                                                              contributions  of  our  life  benefactors,  foundations,
                                                              corporate  supporters,  and  well-wishers  who  have
                                                              offered their expertise and financial support to our
                                                              programmes and activities.
            “I am glad that the NYAA has blossomed into an impactful
            movement over the last thirty years and given countless   We are also immensely grateful to our political and
            youths  a  platform  to  deepen  our  social  reserves.  My
            warmest  congratulations  to  the  NYAA  for  reaching  this   community leaders, who have guided us. Additionally,
            milestone. I am confident that the NYAA and our youths   we  owe  an  outstanding  debt  of  gratitude  to  our
            will continue to make Singapore and the world an even   dedicated  partners  from  educational  institutions,
            better place.”                                    community organisations, and the NYAA Gold Award
                                              Heng Swee Keat  Holders’ Alumni, with whom we closely collaborate
                                     Deputy Prime Minister and
                    Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies and  to create opportunities and platforms for developing
                                 Chairman, NYAA Advisory Board  and empowering young people in Singapore.

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