Page 23 - NYAA ED Report 2022 FV + Chairman
P. 23


            •   Farewell Luncheon for Swiss Ambassador
            The  NYAA  Executive  Director  hosted  a  farewell
            luncheon  for  H.E.  Fabrice  Filliez,  Ambassador  of
            Switzerland  to  Singapore,  to  express  gratitude  for
            his friendship and support of the NYAA programme
            during  his  tenure.  The  Ambassador  received  an
            Appreciation Plaque signed by Deputy Prime Minister
            and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies, Mr
            Heng Swee Keat.
                                                                H.E Fabrice Filliez, Swiss Ambassador to Singapore.
            •   Farewell Dinner Reception for the
                Ambassador of The Netherlands
            The NYAA Executive Director and Deputy Executive
            Director  attended  the  farewell  dinner  reception
            for  H.E  Margriet  Vonno,  Ambassador  of  The
            Netherlands  to  Singapore,  who  strongly  supported
            NYAA’s  leadership  development  and  environmental
            sustainability  efforts.  The  Executive  Director
            presented an Appreciation Plaque to the Ambassador.  H.E Margriet Vonno, Ambassador of the Netherlands to
            ITE 30th Anniversary Distinguished Partnership
            The NYAA was honoured at the ITE’s 30th Anniversary
            celebration  with  the  ITE  30th  Anniversary
            Distinguished  Award.  The  Award  was  presented  to
            the NYAA by Mr Teo Chee Hean, Senior Minister and
            Coordinating Minister for Security, and witnessed by
            Mr  Chan  Chun  Sing,  Minister  for  Education,  on  30
            June 2022 at the Tay Eng Soon Convention Centre,
            ITE College Central.                              NYAA Executive Director receiving the ITE Distinguished
                                                              Partners Award from Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean.

                                             NYAA AWARD CEREMONIES

            •   Singapore Prison Service - NYAA Award
            The  NYAA  Award  Ceremony,  in  collaboration  with
            the  Singapore  Prison  Service,  was  held,  receiving
            comprehensive coverage from the press and media.
            Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman, Minister in the Prime
            Minister’s  Office  and  2nd  Minister  for  Education
            and  Foreign  Affairs  was  the  Guest-of-Honour  and
            presented eighty-one silver and gold awards to the
            NYAA recipients on 23 November 2022.

                                                              Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman, Minister in the Prime
            •  The Ping Yi Secondary School’s NYAA Bronze     Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Education and
                                                              Foreign Affairs, presenting the Award.
            and  Silver  Award  Presentation  Ceremony  was
            held at the school auditorium on 19 July 2022. Guest-
            of-Honour was Mr Eugene Seah, Managing Director,
            Surbana Technologies, Surbana Jurong and Chairman,
            NYAA Council and an NYAA Gold Award holder (1995
            cohort).  More  than  200  students  received  their
            NYAA Bronze and Silver Awards at the ceremony. The
            principal of Ping Yi Secondary School, Mr Ang Chee
            Seng, is grateful to NYAA for providing the students
            with  opportunities  and  platforms  to  excel  through
            the NYAA Programme.                               Mr Eugene Seah, Chairman, NYAA Council presenting the
                                                              Award at Ping Yi Secondary School.
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