Page 25 - NYAA ED Report 2022 FV + Chairman
P. 25

Furthermore, at the 30th Anniversary Celebration, the  In  addition,  two  individuals,  Professor  Leo  Tan
            NYAA expressed its deep appreciation to benefactors,  Wee Hin and Mr William Xavier, were awarded The
            corporate and community partners, and individuals  Distinguished  Service  Awards  for  their  exceptional
            for their unwavering support and contributions to our  leadership and contributions.
            national youth development endeavours.
                                                              The  NYAA  Council  would  like  to  thank  President
            Notable recipients of recognition included the Tote   Halimah  Yacob,  the  Deputy  Prime  Minister  and
            Board, bestowed the title of NYAA Life Benefactor and   Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies, and the
            Distinguished Partner; HSBC Singapore, recipient of   Chairman of the NYAA Advisory Board, Mr Heng Swee
            the NYAA Distinguished Benefactor Award; Stephen   Keat, for their presence and support at the event. We
            Riady  Foundation,  recipient  of  The  Distinguished   would also like to thank the NYAA Operating Partners,
            Benefactor  Award;  Lee  Foundation,  honoured  with   supporters, and representatives of foreign missions
            The Distinguished Partner Award; City Developments   accredited to Singapore for their unwavering support
            Limited,  acknowledged  with  The  Distinguished   and  significant  contributions  over  the  past  three
            Partner Award; and Far East Organization, recognised   decades.  The  evening  concluded  on  a  high  note,
            as The Distinguished Partner Award recipient.     leaving a lasting impression on our esteemed guests,
                                                              supporters, and partners.

                         Distinguished Partners Award Recipients with the President and DPM Heng Swee Keat.

                             NYAA JUNIOR PROGRAMME - THE BUTTERFLY AWARD

            In 2020/2021, the NYAA conducted a successful trial of
            the Junior Programme, known as The Butterfly Award,
            in ten primary schools and uniformed organisations.

            This  programme  aims  to  cultivate  compassion
            and  graciousness  in  our  children  from  a  young
            age,  nurturing  them  into  individuals  who  care  for
            themselves  and  extend  help  to  those  in  need.  By
            instilling these values early in life, we aim to imbue
            the  next  generation  with  a  lasting  sense  of  social
            responsibility  and  civic-mindedness.  When  our
            children  receive  the  proper  guidance,  they  will    President launching the Butterfly Award.
            naturally  flourish  into  young  adults  equipped  with
            the  willpower  and  confidence  to  overcome  life’s

            Building  on  the  tremendous  success  of  the  Junior
            Programme  pilot  project,  the  NYAA  officially
            launched The Butterfly Award at the 30th Anniversary
            Celebration,  with  President  Halimah  Yacob  and
            Deputy  Prime  Minister  Heng  Swee  Keat  officiating.
            The programme will be implemented in all primary   Representatives of the Butterfly Award pilot project with
            schools in the first quarter 2023.                President Halimah Yacob and DPM Heng Swee Keat.

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