Page 3 - NYAA ED Report 2022 FV + Chairman
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In December 2022, NYAA signed a Memorandum of Understanding with SPH Media Group in the presence
            of Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies, Mr Heng Swee Keat. The MOU
            aims to promote and provide a platform for youth leadership development. SPH Media Group Chief Executive
            Officer Ms. Teo Lay Lim and NYAA Executive Director Mr. James Soh signed it.

            In 2022, NYAA had the opportunity to participate in various international conferences and events as the global
            COVID-19 situation improved. These included the 51st St. Gallen Symposium in Switzerland in May 2022, the
            12th International Swiss Talent Forum in July 2022, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
            Change in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, in November 2022, and the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
            Voices of the Future Program in Bangkok, Thailand, in November 2022.

            NYAA remains committed to upholding its mission by serving the community and Singapore through close
            partnerships with our Operating Partners and stakeholders. The NYAA Gold Award Holders’ Alumni and its
            members continue to dedicate themselves to serving the community and Singapore through their signature
            program, Service Beyond Gold.

            We extend our heartfelt appreciation to our Life Benefactors: The Tote Board and Singapore Pools Pte Ltd,
            for  their  financial  support.  We  are  also  grateful  to  HSBC  Singapore,  Stephen  Riady  Foundation,  Far  East
            Organization,  Lee  Foundation,  City  Developments  Ltd,  government  ministries  and  agencies,  and  all  our
            Operating Partners, supporters, and stakeholders for their unwavering support during these challenging times.

            Our sincerest gratitude goes to President Halimah Yacob for her constant support and encouragement. We
            also express our appreciation to Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies, Mr
            Heng Swee Keat, Chairman of the NYAA Advisory Board, and the Members of the NYAA Advisory Board for
            their invaluable advice, guidance, and support.

            We want to thank the Members of the NYAA Council, both past and present, for their leadership, guidance,
            contributions, and unwavering support to the NYAA Secretariat. Additionally, we thank all Heads of Educational
            Institutions, School Leaders, Heads of Departments, teachers, NYAA Coordinators, and volunteers for their
            partnership and support in providing opportunities and platforms for thousands of young people each year.

            A special appreciation goes to our dedicated team of staff led by the Executive Director, Mr James Soh, and
            the Deputy Executive Director, Ms Aileen Yap. Their leadership, motivation, and inspiration have made NYAA
            a premier youth development program in Singapore and beyond.

            The NYAA looks forward to a better year when the COVID-19 pandemic becomes a thing of the past.

            Thank you.

            Eugene Seah Hsiu-Min
            National Youth Achievement Award Council

            31 December 2022

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