Page 5 - NYAA ED Report 2022 FV + Chairman
P. 5

Statutory Boards and Agencies:
            •   People’s Association (PA)                     •   Public Utilities Board (PUB)
            •   Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)           •   Community Development Councils (CDCs)
            •   National Environment Agency (NEA)
            •   National Park Board (NParks)

                                          PARTNERSHIP (INTERNATIONAL)

            The  NYAA  was  a  trusted  brand  on  the  international  stage.  Many  foreign  governments  and  international
            agencies working closely in partnership with the NYAA had high regards for NYAA for its leadership and
            contributions on the global stage. Programmes such as the:
            •    Annual APEC Voices of the Future,            After  a  long  break  from  the  COVID-19  Pandemic,
            •    the Y20 of the G20 Conferences,              International  conferences,  meetings,  and  events
            •    the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNE)   resumed in person, such as:
                  Major Stakeholders and Youth Groups,        •   the 51st St. Gallen Symposium at St. Gallen in
            •    the United Nations Framework Convention on         Switzerland,
                  Climate Change (UNFCCC),                    •   the International Swiss Talent Forum in
            •    the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF),                 Switzerland,
            •    Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)     •    the United Nations Framework Convention on
                  Voices of the Future,                             Climate Change, COP 27, in Sharm El-Sheik,
            •    the United Nations Environment South East          Egypt,
                   Asian Youth Environment Network            •    the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
                   (UNE SEAYEN),                                     Voices of the Future in Bangkok, Thailand
            •    International Swiss Talent Forum,
            •    THINC, and
            •    St. Gallen Symposium, Switzerland

                                       COUNTRIES NYAA PARTNERED WITH:

            •   Australia                                     •   Philippines
            •   Brunei Darussalam                             •   Peru
            •   Canada                                        •   Papua New Guinea
            •   Chile                                         •   Russia
            •   People’s Republic of China                    •   Thailand
            •   Hong Kong                                     •   United States of Ameria
            •   Chinese Taipei                                •   Vietnam
            •   Indonesia                                     •   ASEAN
            •   Japan                                          •   European Union
            •   Korea                                          •   Switzerland
            •   Malaysia                                       •   United Kingdom
            •   Mexico
            •   New Zealand

                                       NYAA STATISTICS FOR THE YEAR 2022

                    NEW AWARD PARTICIPANTS                             AWARDS AWARDED

                    Bronze Level:   5,590                              Bronze Level:   2,956
                    Silver Level:      7,669                           Silver Level:      4,646
                    Gold Level:       2,582                            Gold Level:       328
                    Total:                 15,841
                                                                       Total:                 7,930

                 Please see appendix 6

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