Page 4 - NYAA ED Report 2022 FV + Chairman
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Appendix 13

                              EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2022

                                       Our Work: Programmes and Activities

            Since its launch in May 1992 by the President of the Republic of Singapore, the National Youth Achievement
            Award (NYAA) underwent a remarkable transformation, inspiring and cultivating a can-do attitude in over
            700,000 young men and women through their self-directed learning journeys. The participation of these young
            individuals in the NYAA Journey was voluntary and driven by their heartfelt commitment. The NYAA played a
            vital role in building future generations of community leaders for Singapore, employing two approaches that
            yielded significant results.

            Firstly, the NYAA focused on empowering capable young people to demonstrate concern and care for less
            fortunate people. By promoting empathy and compassion, we aimed to uplift individuals more privileged in
            life while encouraging them to extend a helping hand to those facing challenges. This approach fostered a
            sense of social responsibility and nurtured a community where everyone was valued.

            Secondly, the NYAA provided opportunities and platforms for young people from challenging backgrounds
            to showcase their potential, succeed, and excel. By offering support and creating avenues for growth, we
            empowered these individuals to find their identity and place in society. They inspired others, demonstrating
            that anyone could overcome obstacles and achieve great things with determination and support.

            Throughout 2022, as the COVID-19 pandemic gradually receded and safety restrictions eased, our community
            began  rebuilding.  With  more  opportunities  for  interaction  and  access  to  facilities  for  mass  activities,  we
            witnessed positive developments. However, remaining cautious and prioritising safety while organising mass
            gatherings and activities was essential. Thus, stringent monitoring measures were implemented to ensure the
            well-being of all participants.

            The NYAA leveraged technology to adapt our programmes and activities in response to the pandemic. Many
            physical events were replaced with online alternatives, allowing young people to navigate the challenges
            posed by the pandemic effectively. We commend our Operating Partners, including educational institutions
            and youth/community organisations, for their resilience and commitment to providing young people with
            opportunities to excel. We emphasised the importance of exercising caution and avoided rushing the reopening
            process until the situation was deemed safe. The utmost precautions were taken to protect the well-being of
            young participants in all activities and projects.

            Additionally,  we  were  pleased  to  note  the  active  engagement  of  our  NYAA  Gold  Award  Holders’  Alumni
            members  within  the  community.  Through  their  expertise  and  talents,  they  continued  to  support  various
            institutions and organisations, contributing to the betterment of society.

            Despite  the  numerous  challenges  faced  in  2022,  our  NYAA  recipients  and  participants  made  significant
            contributions  to  society.  Their  perseverance,  resilience,  and  never-give-up  attitude  made  their  families,
            institutions/organisations, the NYAA, and Singapore immensely proud.

            In line with our mission, the NYAA remained committed to empowering young people and nurturing future
            community leaders. With the support of our dedicated partners, we will continue to provide opportunities and
            platforms for young individuals to develop into passionate and responsible citizens. Together, we could build a
            Singapore we could all be proud of.

                                                PARTNERSHIP (LOCAL)

            The NYAA Secretariat continued to build and strengthen our partnerships with the government and other
            partners such as:
            •  Ministry of Education (MOE)                    •  Ministry of Culture, Community, and Youth (MCCY)
            •  Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment  •  Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF)
                (MSE)                                         •  Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA)
            •  Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)

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