Page 2 - RFQ 01-2020 MHRA Kimball Street Warrenstreet Qualifications Statement
P. 2

May 21, 2020

                Mary Ellen Jutras
                Managing Director of Real Estate Development and Special Projects
                Manchester Housing and Redevelopment Authority (MHRA)
                198 Hanover Street
                Manchester, NH 03104


                Dear Ms. Jutras and Members of the MHRA Selection Committee:

                On behalf of the entire staff of Warrenstreet, we are pleased to provide our Professional Qualifications
                and our sincere Expression of Interest to be your design partner for the proposed Kimball Street public
                housing project, planned for this coming year.

                Incorporated in 1990, Warrenstreet is a full‐service Architectural Design and Planning firm, with offices
                in  Manchester  and  Concord,  providing  a  wide  range  of  services  to  public  and  private  owners,
                municipalities,  commercial  investors,  governmental,  housing,  educational  and  healthcare  agencies
                throughout  New  England.   With  a  solid  30  years  of  experience  providing  timely,  cost  effective  and
                environmentally responsible solutions, you can depend upon us for respectful project facilitation, early
                stage  due‐diligence  and  feasibility  studies,  land  planning,  interior  design,  full  building  contract  bid
                document services and construction administration oversight for this important upcoming project.

                We have prepared our qualifications package to provide you with a broad overview of some of the most
                relevant projects we feel most adequately demonstrate our range of service capabilities, and our ability
                to provide the services you require as you begin this journey.  We have assembled a great team who
                would be very honored to partner with the Manchester Housing and Redevelopment Authority to assist
                you in realizing your goals and the future success of this redevelopment project. We acknowledge that
                the staff we have proposed to work with you on this assignment, will remain in place throughout the
                duration of this project, and any substitutions will require prior authorization by MHRA.

                Our firm is able to comply with your minimum insurance requirements and acknowledge receipt of
                Amendment #1 issued May 4, 2020.  If we can answer any questions you may have, please do not hesitate
                to  contact  me  directly  at  603.738.9004  or  via  email  at   We  appreciate  your
                consideration and wish you the very best as you move forward in the selection process for this exciting
                and much needed project.


                Jonathan R. Halle, AIA, PLA, LEED AP BD+C
                Principal Architect | Managing Member

                                                 WAR R EN ST REET   ARC H I T EC TS
                    27   Wa rren   Street,   Co ncord,   NH   03301   |   40   Stark   St r e e t ,   Ma n c hest er,   NH   03101
                                          603. 225. 0640   |   www.warrens tr eet.coo p
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