Page 30 - RFQ 01-2020 MHRA Kimball Street Warrenstreet Qualifications Statement
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Scott Donovan AIA, LEED AP
                                      Project Architect / Project Manager

                                                                                   20 Years Experience

            Scott is a licensed Architect and LEED Accredited Professional with twenty   Number of Years With Warrenstreet - 2
            years’ experience leading many successful efforts throughout New England and
            beyond, his background includes project management, design, client interviews,   Contact
            site analysis, programming, specifications, cost estimating, construction
                                                                                   (O) 603.225-0640 x123
            documentation and construction administration within the federal, state, military,   (C) 603.781.7155
            municipal, educational, commercial, multifamily and residential sectors.  With

            special interest in sustainable design, his primary responsibilities for Warrenstreet   Professional Registra ons / Cer fi ca  ons

            include design, client interaction, consultant coordination, staff mentoring, and
            overall project management. His technical knowledge, problem solving skills and   Registered Architect NH #3418, MA #32171
            people focused demeanor provides a collaborative and cohesive approach to the   LEED Accredited Professional
            entire design and construction process from pre-planning through construction
            completion.                                                            Educa  on
                                                                                   M. Arch - Clemson University
             Green Street Housing Renovation, Concord, NH - Project Architect/Manager   B.S. - University of New Hampshire
                                                                                   ConƟ nuing
             responsible for providing design through construction administration services for

             the renovation of a former commercial building into four units of residential housing   A ffi          ons & Associa
                                                                                   Affilia ons & Associa ons ons

             for the Concord Coalition to End Homelessness.                        AIA - American InsƟtute of Architects

             Manchester Housing Authority, Manchester, NH  - Architectural Designer   NCARB/ NaƟonal Council of Architectural

             responsible for prepration of construction documents and providing construction   RegistraƟon Board CerƟfi ed
             administration services for an elevator addition/renovation effort.*  USGBC - US Green Building Council
             Portsmouth Housing Authority, 160 Court Street, Portsmouth, NH  - Project   Previous Employment
             Architect/Manager overseeing completion of construction documentation for a 64-  2018-2019  CJ Architects
             unit market rate apartment complex. *                                 2018-1999  Oak Point Associates
             Atkinson Heights Condominiums, Atkinson, NH - Project Architect/Manager
             providing design and construction documentation for (9) 32-unit condominium
             The Residences at 25 Maplewood Avenue, Portsmouth, NH - Project Architect/
             Manager responsible for Construction Administration services. *
             Gundalow Landing Condominiums, Dover, NH - Project Architect/Manager for
             design and construction documentation for (4) 8-Unit Condominium Buildings
             U.S. Department of Defense, Kittery, ME - Project Architect/Manager responsible
             for Project Management, Design and Construction Documentation for Survival,
             Evasion, Resistance, Escape (SERE) School Barracks Building  H-21. Certified LEED™

             NH Army National Guard, Regional Training Institute, Concord, NH - Project
             Architect/Manager responsible for providing construction administration services
             for new Regional Training and Barracks Facility. Certified LEED™ Silver.
             NH Army National Guard Building B Renovation, Concord, NH - Project
             Architect/Manager responsible for design through construction administration
             services for renovation  of an existing NHARNG facility.
             Claremont Learning Partnership Shelter Housing Feasibility Study, Claremont,
             NH Project Manager responsible for providing a feasibility study to evaluate renovat-
             ing an existing facility into a youth housing shelter.

             Strong Foundations Charter School Gymnasium Addition/Renovation,
             Pembroke, NH Project Architect/Manager responsible for design through
             construction administration services for a second phase gymnasium addition/
             renovation effort.

             Camp Allen, Bedford, NH - Project Architect/Manager responsible for design
             through construction administration services for a new dining hall addition/
                      *Projects completed while employed with previous firms

                 ............................................................................................................................... ................................................................................
                    Warrenstreet Architects 27 Warren Street, Concord, NH 03301 |40 Stark Street, Manchester, NH 03101 | 603.225.0640 |
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