Page 25 - RFQ 01-2020 MHRA Kimball Street Warrenstreet Qualifications Statement
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JFPCS               John F. Penney Consulting Services, P.C.
                                      HVAC, Plumbing & Fire Protection Engineering
                                      Commissioning & TAB Services

                                           SELECTED PROJECT EXPERIENCE

               Putney Landing Apartments, Putney, VT - JFPCS provided commissioning services for the new biomass plant at the new
               Putney Landing Apartments. The facility is an 18 unit, three-building, multi-family apartment complex located in Putney,
               Vermont. Contact/Owner: Ms. Marion Major, Windham Regional Commission – Windham Wood Heat Initiative
               Rockingham County Rehabilitation & Nursing Center, Brentwood, NH - Renovation and upgrades to approximately
               44,000 SF of a long-term care facility. Our services included Design Phase, Construction Phase, Acceptance Phase and Post-
               Occupancy Phase commissioning services for the building heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting controls, energy management
               and control systems. Contact/Owner: Mr. Jonathan Halle, Warrenstreet Architects
               Brewster Academy Clark Road Dorm #1, Wolfeboro, NH -JFPCS provided commissioning services for the new dormitory
               located on Clark Road at the Brewster Academy private preparatory school in Wolfeboro, NH. The dormitory included resident
               bedrooms, bathrooms, common spaces and four separate two-, three-, or four-bedroom apartment units. Contact/Owner: Mr.
               Mark Hall, Samyn-D’Elia Architects
               Kendal at Hanover Health Center, Hanover, NH - Addition to the Kendal at Hanover Health Center for the Continuing Care
               Retirement Community comprising of independent and assisted living, memory care and skilled nursing facilities. JFPCS also
               provided mechanical schematic design and design development services for a direct digital control building energy
               management system in areas of the Community Center and Health Center not within the scope of the Health Center
               Renovation & Addition commissioning project. Contact/Owner: Dean Sorenson, Facilities Director
               Senior Living of Bedford, Bedford, NH -95,000 SF new construction assisted living and memory care facility. Our services
               included Design Phase, Construction Phase, Acceptance Phase and Post-Occupancy Phase commissioning services for the
               building heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting controls, energy management and control systems. Contact/Owner: Mr. Marc
               Jobin, Jobin Construction Consultants
               Kendal at Hanover Wellness Center, Hanover, NH -Addition to the Community & Wellness Center for the Continuing Care
               Retirement Community comprising of independent and assisted living, memory care and skilled nursing facilities. Contact/
               Owner: Dean Sorenson, Facilities Director
               Kendal at Hanover, Independent Living, Hanover, NH - JFPCS was tasked with evaluating the HVAC equipment serving
               corridors and ventilation air to residential units in Independent Living with the goal of determining a strategy that would
               include energy savings, code compliance and comfort. Our approach was to use variable speed heat recovery ventilation
               equipment that will provide substantial savings in energy while maintaining minimum impact on current space allocated to
               systems. New controls and a new sequence of operation will improve comfort. Contact/Owner: Dean Sorenson, Facilities Dir.
               Kendal at Hanover, Community Center, Hanover, NH - The challenge for the Community Center was to upgrade or
               replace equipment at the end of its useful life and improve control and energy savings performance. Our approach was to
               refurbish the equipment by upgrading mechanical components and providing new controls. A new sequence of operation will
               result in energy savings and help to defer the cost of construction. Contact/Owner: Dean Sorenson, Facilities Director
               Harvest Hill Independent Living Facility, Lebanon, NH -145,000 SF Independent and Assisted Living Facility. Each apartment
               was designed with an appropriately sized unit with heating and cooling distributed through a ducted supply and return
               system. Ventilation for the apartments is continuous and provided by a heat recovery ventilator on the roof. Constant fresh
               air ventilation offered excellent indoor air quality while minimizing energy cost. Contact: Chris Kennedy, Architect

               Upper Valley Haven, White River Junction, VT - 6,200 SF Adult Homeless Shelter. Contact/Owner: Sara Koblyenski, Director
               West River Senior Housing, Townshend, VT - 64,000 SF Redevelopment and Construction of Senior Independent and Assisted
               Living Facility. Contact/Owner: Bob Crego, Valley Cares; Rich Wickman, Housing Vermont
               Middlebury South Village, Middlebury, VT - 31,800 SF Housing Project Contact/Owner: Lynn Mansfield, Middlebury South
               Housing Ltd c/o Housing Vermont

               Bemis Block, Hardwick, VT -31,800 SF Multi-Family Housing. Contact/Owner: Robin Pierce, Lamoille Housing Partnership; Rich
               Wickman, Housing Vermont
               The Hotel Hermitage, West Dover, VT - 184,000 SF Hotel and Condominium Complex. Contact/Owner: Mr. Robert Rubin,
               Hermitage Inn Real Estate Holding Co., LLC
               Jackson Gore Inn at Okemo, Ludlow VT - All Season Inn/Resort with Amenities. Contact/Owner: Rick Alexander, Facilities
               Maintenance Manager, Okemo Mountain Resort
               Lyme Inn - Lyme, NH - 16,000 SF Inn and Restaurant. This project involved a total renovation and redesign of the mechanical
               systems. The building is primarily used as a hotel, restaurant and tavern and is heated and cooled with a Mitsubishi heat
               pump system. Supplemental heating is supplied by an LP gas-fired boiler system serving baseboard radiators and other
               terminal units. LEED Criteria. Contact/Owner: Orma A. Thompson, PETSU, LLC; Alex Roupinian, Roupinian Group

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