Page 21 - RFQ 01-2020 MHRA Kimball Street Warrenstreet Qualifications Statement
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wv engineering associates, pa         
                               11 king court . keene, new hampshire 03431               t: 603.352.7007

               A representative list of Housing project Experience of our Engineering Staff:
               Manchester  Child  and  Family  Services,  Four  Plex,  Manchester,  NH  -  Engineering  services  for  the  Four-Plex  Housing
               project for the Manchester Child and Family Services. The project work was for a new three (3) story wood framed building
               with a total of 4 units, two 2-bedroom flats on the first floor and two townhouse units above.  Engineering work was to provide
               design  of  heating,  ventilation,  plumbing,  fire  protection,  lighting,  power,  fire  alarm  and  communications  systems.    Project
               received platinum certification.
               Manchester Housing and Redevelopment Authority Central Office, 198 Hanover Street, Manchester, NH - Engineering
               services for upgrade of the HVAC systems.  Work included investigation, documentation and evaluation of existing heating,
               ventilation and air conditioning systems within the four story building at 198 Hanover Street and within offices and common
               areas of the six story residential building at 200 Hanover Street.  Replacement of approximately sixty (60) existing cabinet
               HVAC  units  throughout  the  198  Hanover  Street  building  and  portions  of  the  200  Hanover  Street  building.    Evaluation  of
               existing rooftop air conditioning, condensing and cooling units and design for future replacement.

               Abenaki  Springs,  Phase  I,  Walpole,  NH  -  Engineering  services  for  a  21  unit  modular  housing  project.   Unit modules
               were  delivered  to  the  project  pre-piped  with  plumbing  fixtures,  through  wall  heat  pump  heating/cooling  units,  ceiling

               bathroom  and kitchen  fans,  lighting  and  power  circuited  to  a  unit  panel,  stand  alone  C0/smoke detector system  and
               phone/data/TV unit wiring.  Engineering work was for the interconnecting unit piping, control area heating and ventilation,
               interconnecting power and phone/data/TV wiring, central area lighting and power and a building fire alarm system.
               Abenaki  Springs,  Phase  2,  Walpole,  NH  -  Engineering  for  22  unit  modular  housing  project.  Unit  modules  were
               delivered to  the  project  pre-piped  with  plumbing  fixtures,  through  wall  heat  pump  heating/cooling units,  ceiling  bathroom
               and  kitchen  fans,  lighting  and  power  circuited  to  a  unit  panel,  stand  alone  C0/smoke detector system and phone/data/TV
               unit  wiring.    Domestic  water  heating  and  HVAC  system  selections  are  to  be reconsidered  from  the  units  constructed  in
               Phase  I.  Work  was  to  verify  domestic  water  heating, HVAC and electrical service sizing and for the interconnecting unit
               piping,  control  area  heating  and  ventilation, interconnecting  power  phone/data/TV  wiring,  central  area  lighting  power
               and  a  building  fire  alarm system.

               Berlin  Housing  Authority,  Berlin,  NH  -Engineering  work  for  the  BHA  building  for  the  design  of  Energy
               Conservation  Measures.  Work  included  domestic  hot  water  system  improvements,  boiler  improvements,  and
               programmable  thermostat  installations.    Engineering  work  for  the  St.  Regis  House  was  for  the  design  of  Energy
               Conservation  Measures.  Work  included  DHW  system  replacement,  boiler  replacement,  apartment  heat  pump
               replacement, and fresh air system upgrades.
               Concord Housing, JFK Apartments, Concord, NH - 9 story elderly housing, conversion of first floor offices into accessible
               apartments, conversion of pairs of adjacent efficiency apartments to single 1-bedroom units, electrical design for corridor
               ventilation, project review of existing elevator systems for ADA accessibility.

               Concord Housing, JFK Apartments, Concord,  NH - Engineering services for the replacement of the domestic water heater
               serving the 88 apartments and common laundry facility. Design included removing and replacing the existing water heater with
               multiple indirect water heaters served from the existing boiler plant.
               Hooksett Town Homes, Hooksett, NH - Engineering services for a Four building, 16 unit residential complex, with 3
               different unit configurations designed to NFPA Standards.  Engineering work included design of the sprinkler, plumbing,
               HVAC, site lighting, power, lighting, fire alarm, cable and communication systems.
               KHA, Stone Arch Village, Keene, NH -  Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing Engineering services for the KHA  Office Building.
               Plumbing system design included basic cold and hot water distribution system, hot water heating plant, plumbing fixture
               specification, and distribution layouts. Electrically, the design approach was for basic simple parabolic type fixtures with
               double switching as appropriate.  Fire alarm system included code minimum layout with connection to city fire department.
               HVAC systems included simple/basic gas rooftop HVAC systems with large area zones of control for occupied areas with gas
               fired unit heaters in mechanical and storage areas.

               Laconia Housing, Sunrise House, 423 South Main Street, Laconia, NH - Engineering services for the renovation of a ±
               14,000 sq. ft. three story building to eighteen (18) one-bedroom units, community room, laundry, lobby and elevator.
               Engineering work was for the design and layout of fire protection, sanitary, domestic water, heating, exhaust, ventilation,
               limited air conditioning, electric power, interior lighting, fire alarm and pathways for data/CATV/security systems.
               Lochmere Meadows Family Housing, Phase II, Tilton, NH - Engineering for a 19 unit affordable housing project consisting
               of (3) buildings with a mix of town house and two bedroom flat apartment units.  This project included connection to the
               existing central fire pump and extend distribution piping to each of the three buildings.
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