Page 9 - RFQ 01-2020 MHRA Kimball Street Warrenstreet Qualifications Statement
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Warrenstreet Design Process
Our philosophy of design is deeply rooted in the understanding of “real need” versus “wants” and
establishment of baseline goals that allow us to first be responsible and then be creative. The key to the
success of any project lies between defining clear objectives and reasonable expectations. Through the
involvement of stakeholders and close examination of core design benchmarks of quantity, quality, and
budget, the more fully we understand an owner’s requirements, the more precise our understanding of
the project and the more effective our services become. From the earliest stages, we strive to establish
a clear and concise path of communication to avoid potential conflicts, set goals and produce a course
of action that all parties feel good about. Managing expectations is key. Perceptions, attitudes, and
approaches are what make competing firms unique. We view design as a creative and collaborative
journey from discovery through delivery, each phase building upon the next with increased enthusiasm
resulting in a relationship built on mutual trust and a project that exceeds your expectations!
Information gathering begins as we fine tune program requirements utilizing various techniques and tools of
development. Here we take a closer look at the existing conditions and begin to define opportunities for enhancement
and evaluate potential obstacles that will need to be addressed. Property surveys, permitting, utilities coordination
and other related services that may be required are discussed as well as further defining aesthetics, goals and needs.
Pencil is put to paper and development of alternative design approach options for your project now begins.
Translating concepts into computer drawings and documents that better illustrate size, scale and relationship of the
project’s various components and layout. Concepts presented for review are evaluated and fine‐tuned with the goal
of arriving at one single design approach that can be further developed for construction. Site conditions and impact
on the natural environment are further evaluated as design elevations take shape and 3D imaging techniques provide
enhanced visualization in hopes to achieve agreement of a final course of direction moving forward.
REFINING THE CONCEPT (Design Development)
As schematic design concludes we move forward working with one mutually agreed upon direction from which all
future progress will be based, making revisions as required. Detailed drawings that highlight more about the
materiality and construction of the project take shape and building sections, exterior elevations and 3D graphics will
be further advanced. Coordination with supplemental consultants is executed and solicitation of proposals/bids
begins so preliminary construction estimates can be developed for consideration and final selection of a contractor.
DOCUMENTING THE BUILD (Construction Documents)
Full drawings required to permit and construct the project are drawn and dimensioned utilizing Revit architectural
software. Once final drawings and documents are complete, we can assist with necessary permitting, code
compliance, bid solicitation, contractor selection and if requested, LEED Certification. In some cases, a permit set of
drawings can be issued ahead of full completion of material selections and detailing to expedite the permitting
process. 3D Revit models are often used in this phase to increase inter‐discipline design coordination efforts and
reduce potential conflicts within the produced CD’s.
CONFIRMING INTENT (Construction Administration)
Construction Administration is a service not required but strongly advised and often requested for final completion of
most design projects. From the very start of construction, CA services include regular visits to the site on a pre‐
determined basis to ensure that the project is being built to the specifications of the design, to clarify design intention
of drawings and continue to serve as a source of advisement on any issues, questions or requests the Client or
Contractor up through building occupancy.