Page 2 - The Hemophilia Times 2.0_Neat
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My friend clotty will be with us HEMLIBRA is indicated for routine
in some time to help you prophylaxis to prevent bleeding
or reduce the frequency of
Hey do you know, Roche's understand HEMLIBRA better bleeding episodes in patients
blockbuster, HEMLIBRA has shaken with hemophilia A
No I am unaware.
up the hemophilia A market? What is HEMLIBRA Hey, Here I come (congenital factor VIII deficiency)
all about? to your rescue. with factor VIII inhibitors
Mr Clotty, your
host & dost
What is the approved
indication for HEMLIBRA?
Yes, Same here. Finally, the launch of HEMLIBRA.
A dream come true to many lives. Here I am to make As you know the molecule
learning fun & upgrade your knowledge on HEMLIBRA in HEMLIBRA is emicizumab.
Any one who can tell us
Hie.. Good to meet you what is it & what it does?
Great dost, lets begin
Emicizumab is a humanized
monoclonal bispecific antibody
that bridges Factor IXa & Factor X
to activate factor X, allowing
the clotting cascade to continue
For internal use only For internal use only