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Non-profit vs profit sports

               Both profit and nonprofit sports organizations has one important aspect in common. That aspect is
               sports, sports has the ability to bring people together and unite communities. In my opinion there
               are certainly more pros from the non-profit side compared to the profit organizations. The reason for
               my statement is because the non-profit sector serves more of a purpose and helps communities whom
               are struggling for no capital benefits. (Volunteering Australia, 2005: no page). The profit sector is
               more about chasing money which is against my morals and believes. I don’t believe that money
               should ever be a driving force as it is materialistic. Instead uplifting a community and volunteering in
               order to benefit other people’s lives resonates with me much more.

               Although there are common grounds there is differences which includes the nonprofit organization
               getting significant funding from the government whereas the profit sports don’t get much funding
               from the government. Helmig, B., Bärlocher, C. & von Schnurbein, G. (2009, pp 2-5). The profit
               sports have a much better financial status than the non-profit organization. The non-profit side
               however excels with regards to price structure. The profit organization focuses more on the finer
               detail which includes program quality, employee qualifications and this organisation also generally
               has better strategies.
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