Page 2 - NPO FINAL
P. 2

There are many characteristics of these organizations. According to Henry Freeman, for the
               nonprofit organization there is some form of internal organization structure. Helmig, B., Bärlocher,
               C. & von Schnurbein, G. (2009, pp 2-5).  The non-profit organization has a high degree of volunteer
               participation and often rely on donations. The non-profit organization rely on grants as well as a
               revenue source whereas the profit organization rely on sources like membership fees. Boris and
               Steuerle (2006: 66).  In general, the non-profit organizations serve the poorer communities whereas
               this is not the main focus of the profit organization. The profits of the non-profit organization are not
               for owners to blow and buy luxurious goods but instead they use the profits in ways which helps the
               organization and the people within the community.

               With regards to the sporting structure for nonprofit organizations there are three layers which
               includes voluntary which is the management committee or the board of management. They have
               the most authority in an organization. They basically “call the shots”. They do not get paid for doing
               their job which is how it is different to the profit sports. However, the coaching director and
               development officer does sometimes get paid if the NPO does have the funds to pay them.  Below
               that is the volunteers who often try and raise funds for the organization. They will basically help out
               with events like hosting fund raisers in order to help the organization.
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