Page 5 - NPO FINAL
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communities from joining gangs and making use of substances. It is also an opportunity for
               disadvantaged children to make a career in sports if they excel and get scouted which will lead to
               bursaries and endless opportunities.

               In conclusion I believe that if there were more NPO’s and more rich people willing to give donations
               to these NPO’s it would help our country tremendously. Having more sporting NPO’s will reduce
               crime within our country as more children in disadvantage communities would be off the streets. I
               also believe that NPO’s are not getting enough credit for the hard work they are doing in the
               communities.  Regarding the structures, I have come to the conclusion that all of them basically has
               a form of hierarchy and all structures requires a book keeper to control finances. The big difference
               would obviously be the financial differences in the difference organizations as well as the


               2021. [online] Available at:
               _and_Organizational_Comparison_in_Poland> [Accessed 12 August 2021].

      2021. Organisations | [online] Available at:
               <> [Accessed 12 August 2021].
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