Page 18 - Winter_Spring_2021_Recipe_Book
P. 18
1.Firstly,startcooking yourrice according to the specific instructions on the packet. M ost m ethods take around 20 m inutes.
2.W hilst the rice is cooking,begin to m ake the paste.Add althe curry paste ingredients togetherin a bowlorblender and blitz together untilsm ooth.
Removeanyskinfrom thefishorchicken .
and spread halfofthe curry paste onto both sides of the fish fil lets.
4.Heat oilin the frying pan on a high heat and place the fish/ chicken filets in there cooking for approx 2-3 m inutes on each side untilthe coating starts to brown.
Add the restofthe curry paste to the pan .
andcookforafew minutestoreleasethe fragrance from the spices.
6.Add the coconut m ilk and stock and stir.
O n c e th e c o c o n u t m ilk is b u b b lin g , a d d th e fish sauce and stir.Taste forseasoning and add m ore salt and pepper if you like.
w ilted.
8.Ifyou like the sauce to be a bitthicker,
add in som e rice flour and w ater m ixture a
little at a tim e.
9.By the time you have done this,yourrice
wilbe ready.
5 people
T im e :
30 Mins
.Add the kale and stirthrough untilhas 7
0. Serve and enjoy 1