Page 10 - UWP 2024 Conference: GATHERING UNITED
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Sally Ellwein, MSW, MPH
Sally Davis Ellwein is the Director, Meeting Basic Needs at United Way of
Southwestern Pennsylvania. She leads United Way’s work to help individuals and
families in the region meet their basic needs and create a path towards a more
sustainable, secure life. Working in collaboration with corporate and civic leaders,
service providers, and other United Way staff, Sally shapes and manages a diverse
portfolio of funded agency partners.
Sally attended Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota where she majored in American Studies with a
concentration in Women’s Studies. She received her master’s degree in social work from Columbia University
School of Social Work, specializing in generalist practice and program development. She received her master’s
in public health from Columbia University’s Joseph P. Mailman School of Public Health in the division of socio-
medical sciences, with a focus on health promotion and disease prevention. Throughout her career, she has
worked to advance equity among diverse and underserved populations in a variety of settings- from an elementary
school in Oakland, CA to an historic community-based organization in New York City to the largest HIV care center
in New York State. She brings over 15 years of non-profit experience in direct service and administration to her role
at the United Way.
Susan Loucks
Susan is the principal of Susan Loucks Consulting, working with organizations that
are interested in creating as good a world on the inside of their organizations as they
are striving to build on the outside. She designs and facilitates processes for change,
planning, skill building, and organizational improvement with particular attention to
broad and effective participation and power dynamics within organizations. She has
worked as an organizational development consultant for nonprofits independently, with
the Human and Institutional Development Forum in Bangalore, India, and for 5.5 years
with the Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management at Robert Morris University. In addition
to her degrees Susan holds certifications in Appreciative Inquiry, Community Mediation,
Grassroots Development and NGO Management, and the Art of Transformational
Consulting (Social Transformation Project).
Jeff Coleman
Jeff Coleman is the founder of Churchill Strategies—a communications and
storytelling agency located in Harrisburg. The son of Presbyterian missionary
parents, he spent his formative years in his mother’s homeland of the Philippines
during the years of upheaval and democratic reforms of People Power in the mid-
80s. His experience ignited a lifelong passion for public service. In 2005, Coleman
successfully challenged a longtime incumbent member of the PA House of
Representatives to become—at age 25—its youngest member. He retired after two
terms and launched a political consultancy focused on transforming the culture of
“old politics”— with a singular focus on narrative-based campaigning over negative
politics. Today, Churchill Strategies represents a range of clients in the nonprofit, advocacy, and political space.
In 2022, Coleman ran for the Republican nomination for Lieutenant Governor on a platform of “civility, kindness,
and statesmanship.” Jeff is the author of “With All Due Respect: Recovering the Manners and Civility of Political
Combat.” He and his wife, Rebecca, have four children and live in Lemoyne, Cumberland County.
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