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“After getting the results of my analysis, I could not believe how much I was being overcharged
by the power company. The expertise of the UMS team is extremely valuable, and they could
save your business a lot of money. I highly recommend having them perform a risk-free audit,
even if you’ve had one done before - and if they don’t find any savings, there is no charge.”
Dave Novak, Vice President of Administration
STF Precision Technologies & Tools, Inc. - Arden, NC

“As a new hotel GM, I had no idea such services existed      “I have used UMS in prior positions and considered it a
or that the utility providers and their charges could be     “no-brainer” when I started as CEO of our water utility.
so complex and confusing. UMS walked me through              UMS saves us money by leveraging energy industry
the entire process and helped me better understand           knowledge that our own staff does not possess. I always
utility, particularly electric charges, and fee structures.  say you don’t need to know every answer, just where to
Highly recommended to any company that incurs                go to find every answer. UMS has the answer for cost
considerable utility costs.”                                 savings.”
Tom Shapard - General Manager                                Jeffrey Hudson - CEO
Hampton Inn Bermuda Run – Bermuda Run, NC                    Onslow Water & Sewer Authority – Jacksonville, NC

“It was nice to find out that there was a company out        “UMS is a professional service that saves us money every
there that can save us money where we didn’t know            month. I can focus on my business and not worry about
possible - like with Duke Energy. For no up-front costs      losing money. They are timely, courteous and well-
and only sharing in the savings, it’s a great deal.”         managed.”
Gus Liagas, Director of Operations                           Brett McCullough, Owner
Meridian Laboratory - Charlotte, NC                          Brett’s Casual American Restaurant - Athens, GA

“We have been using Utility Management Services for          “UMS made saving money easy. They received our
many years. Their program has saved us thousands of          billing, made the change and we save on our monthly
dollars. Once it’s set up, it’s seamless.”                   bills.”
Pat O’Leary, Owner                                           Debby Millhouse, President
JPO Management/Dominos - Knightdale, NC                      CEO Inc. - Charlotte, NC

“The services provided by UMS has been great for our         “UMS is an awesome service. It’s great to have someone
business. It gives us more time to do other things           so knowledgeable about power rates negotiate with the
instead if figuring out why our power usage is costing       power company on your behalf. Easy setup - professional
us so much money. They do all the work and we save           representatives - real savings... You simply cannot go
money. It is a win-win situation.”                           wrong.”
Jennifer McNeilus - Controller                               Michael Clark, Office Manager
Gibson Accumulator – Burlington, NC                          The Allergy Center at Brookstone - Columbus, GA

“At first I was skeptical. Saw the results, now I’m a        “UMS has certainly saved me a lot of money that i
believer. Converted every building we manage. Have           wouldn’t have been aware existed. Very straightforward
seen savings. The Best.”                                     concept that is a win-win situation.”
Cecil Cutchins, President                                    Jon Mitchell, Director of Facilities
Olympia Development Corp - Virginia Beach, VA                Reston Bible Church - Sterling, VA

Utility Management Services, Inc.
     6317 Oleander Drive, Suite C Wilmington, NC 28403
            Toll Free 888.867.3230 Fax 910.793.2946
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